Good News for the lazy, good news for the gardeners, good news for Planet Earth lovers

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Welcome to your weekly round-up of what’s going well around the world. Click the video above to get the full digest and find out more on the following:

1. Scientists have found just two minutes of walking after a meal is surprisingly good for you.

In a study recently published in the journal Sports Medicine, it was found that when participants went for a short stroll after a meal, even for as little as two to five minutes, their blood sugar levels rose and fell more gradually.

This is good news because moderating blood sugar is key for people with diabetes. But even if you’re not diabetic, stabilising your blood sugar has been shown to be a powerful way to improve your mood and energy levels, lose weight faster, and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Full details are in the video above.

2. In Spain, two small towns have decided to merge to become stronger together.

The merger will have a positive impact on employment, the number of businesses, and household incomes. It will also encourage future business investment, and provide increased access to aid, such as European funds.

The decision is said to be likely to inspire thousands of remote towns with falling populations in the rest of the country.

Get the full story in the video above.

3. There’s been an important boost for recycled fashion in Denmark, and it is likely to expand to Norway, Sweden and Finland next year.

Denmark’s environment ministry, ten clothing and textile companies, and three organisations launched a new agreement obliging companies to recycle and use at least 40 per cent recycled materials by 2030.

This is important because textile consumption ranks fourth in terms of negative environmental impact in Europe, after food, housing and transport.

Get the full story as well and find out where the rest of Europe stands in the move. Hint: good news.

4. A busy market in the centre of Mexico City is about to become home to one of the world’s largest solar power plants.

This is especially great news because – thanks to its warm weather and plentiful days of sunshine – Latin America is a key player in a sustainable future.

In the last decade, the energy capacity of solar panels in the region has increased by more than one hundredfold.

Get the full story above.

5. Azad Mohamad, a 50-year-old Iraqi farmer, can teach you how to become a better farmer and gardener, for free.

At his farm near the city of Halabja, in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Azad has his phone to hand even when he’s out working in the fields, sharing information to his almost half a million Facebook followers.

You can meet Mr Mohamad in the video above. And if you’re still hungry for more positive news, check out these previous episodes of Good News:

And remember, it can be hard to find among the headlines, but some news can be good news.