Battle of the town criers

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Jim Donald will be battling with four other town criers at the Market Square on Saturday. Photo supplied

Resident town crier and former Howick Local Board member Jim Donald will have some competition this weekend.

Earlier this year, Donald adorned his best town crier costume for the label of his and former Howick Borough Mayor Morrin Cooper’s Howick Centennial Ale, a craft beer made in honour of Howick’s history.

As part of the Town Crier Festival, organised by Howick Village Association, Donald and four other town criers will be shouting it out at the Market Square at 10.30am on Saturday November 5.

This unique and fun event will be a must-see for all locals!

In other news, planning is well underway for the Christmas Fair.

This year’s event will be historically-themed with some vintage displays and entertainment planned.

HVA is holding a 175th Best Business Window Competition in the lead up to the Christmas Fair.