‘The NHS is broken’: Major overhaul demanded as health service crumbles under strikes

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The strike action saw health bosses warn that it is “a very dangerous time” for Britain as they “cannot guarantee patient safety” as emergency services were cut. The majority of unions only agreed to cover the most urgent life-threatening emergencies which left victims of heart attacks, strokes and falls potentially unable to receive an ambulance.

Long delays for serious medical issues were already part of daily life in the NHS prior to the strikes.

On Saturday, Elizabeth Davies, 93, fell at her care home and was left lying on the floor with a broken hip for over 25 hours waiting for an ambulance.

Ms Davies was “screaming in pain” and when the ambulance eventually arrived and took her to Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor, she suffered a 12-hour wait before being admitted to a ward.

Amid news of the shocking incident, GB News host Dan Wootton said: “It is very hard to be positive about the state of Britain’s broken mental health system.”

He added: “Where is the hope? When the ambulance drivers and nurses we trust with our lives put their pay ahead of our pain thanks to the militant and Marxist union barons who will not compromise because they want to usher in a hard-Left Labour government, how do we solve this crisis?”

The news host accused the unions of “holding the country to ransom” as they demand a pay increase of 19 percent to make up for inflation as the country tackles its struggling economy.

Mr Wootton emphatically stated: “I believe nurses and paramedics should be paid more, but I do not believe in the right of NHS workers to strike. Just like I agree the police and armed forces shouldn’t be able to do so either.

“They are holding the country to ransom under false pretences that the Tories have somehow starved the NHS of cash.”

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Despite this accusation, figures from the Office of National Statistics show that healthcare funding has increased by 69 percent (£88billion) since 2015 under Tory leadership.

In an effort to find a solution to our struggling NHS, Mr Wootton urged politicians and what he calls ‘the mainstream media’ to hold “a brave national debate” about the health service.

He said: “The NHS is broken. A brave national debate is required to work out how we can fix it. The problem is the politicians and the MSM avoid the topic like, ironically, the plague.” 

After his departure from Cabinet, former Health Secretary Sajid Javid admitted: “I don’t think the model of the NHS as it was set up 70 years ago is sustainable for the future. The world has changed, and the NHS has not moved on.”

Aneurin Bevan, the Labour politician who founded the NHS after becoming Health Secretary in Clement Attlee’s post-war Government, had a vision which suited the time but has not evolved to serve the demands currently on the health service.

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Mr Bevan believed that national insurance or ‘the stamp’ would make a big enough contribution to fund the service, though 80 percent now comes from taxation.

He also believed that the demand on the health service would decline as a result of having free healthcare for all and did not foresee the rise in life expectancy which in the 1950s for women was an average of 69 years, which increased to 83 years by 2017.

Mr Wootton concluded: “It is time we were all honest, that the NHS is broken despite billions and billions of extra funding every year.

“So, in 2023 let us all be brave and start a national conversation about how to fix it.”