MSNBC Guest Calls Nikki Haley ‘Perfect Manchurian Candidate’ For White Supremacists

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Wajahat Ali slammed GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley as an “alpha Karen with brown skin” and the “perfect Manchurian candidate” for white supremacists and racists.

On Sunday’s episode of MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” the playwright and political commentator explained why he was “disgusted” by Haley, the daughter of two Indian immigrants, who has been criticized for trying to play both sides of MAGA nationalist and unifier with her campaign launch.

“Instead of pulling us up from the bootstraps, and pulling others from the bootstrap, we’re told to take your boot and put it on the neck of poor browns, immigrants, refugees, and Black folks,” Ali said of the former GOP South Carolina governor and Trump-era U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

“And that’s what she did in her ad,” he continued. “I see her, and I feel sad Mehdi because she uses her brown skin as a weapon against poor Black folks and poor brown folks and she uses her brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points.”

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