Ask Priti Patel your questions on Brexit, Rwanda, Boris’s Partygate showdown and more HERE

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Priti Patel this week found herself rebelling twice on the same day against her own Government for the first time in her political career.

She was one of 22 Tory MPs who voted against Rishi Sunak’s Brexit deal on Northern Ireland in its first Commons test yesterday.

And ex-Cabinet minister Ms Patel rebelled for a second time against the Government’s plan to release hundreds of criminals early to ease prison overcrowding.

When Ms Patel was running the Home Office she also oversaw a 20,000 increase in police officers in the UK and drew up the legislation to tackle climate change extremists blocking roads and other infrastructure.

As a senior member of Boris Johnson’s Government she is a loyal supporter of the former Prime Minister – who faced a showdown with the Privileges Committee over Partygate yesterday – and decided not to serve under Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak.

Ms Patel has been critical of Mr Sunak’s tax rises and anti-growth policies and has a long record of supporting businesses and deregulation as both a minister and backbencher.

The Witham MP is also one of the Brexit spartans who held out against Theresa May’s deal, and started her political career in Sir James Goldsmith’s Referendum Party which opposed EU power grab in the Maastricht Treaty.

Ms Patel is happy to take questions from Express readers on Brexit, Boris Johnson, immigration, law and order, the Tory Party, Labour and the economy.

Please post your questions in the comments section below.

If you previously asked questions of Conservative MP Mark Francois you can see his answers here.