Nigel Farage mauls woke Financial Conduct Authority for debanking absence | Politics | News

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Nigel Farage tore strips off the Financial Conduct Authority tonight as he pointedly asked: “Where on earth have they been?” during the de-banking scandal.

The FCA announced on Tuesday it was to launch a major investigation into the de-banking scandal, following Nigel Farage exploding the row after being dropped by Coutts.

It has written to UK banks giving them 14 days to explain the closing of customer accounts, and telling them to provide statistics on how many customer accounts have been closed, suspended or denied, and outlining the reasons for doing so.

While crediting the regulator for finally acting, Mr Farage tore into the FCA tonight, demanding to know where they have been in the month since the row erupted.

He raged: “Where on earth have the FCA been since this national scandal was unfolding? It took me to lift the lid on all of this and for others to start coming out, but the FCA should have been on to this a long long time ago.”

Mr Farage provided evidence suggesting exactly what the FCA leadership has been focusing on in recent months.

He produced an article published on their website, entitled: “Pride matters in financial services and beyond”.

“She talks with great pride about going to the Leeds gay pride event with FCA staff”.

He also cited Sheldon Mills, an Executive Director at the body, who said the march was for “transgender, non-binary, gender nonconforming and intersex people, so as a cisgender gay man, I was an ally and that made me reflect on the need to continually seek to support and make visible the less than 1 percent of the population who are transgender and face significant challenges in so many aspects of their daily lives”.

Mr Farage appeared stunned after reading this out, left asking: “What the hell?!”

“What the hell, Mr Mills, or any of you at the FCA.

“What the hell is going on marches, making political statements, what the hell has that got to do with financial market regulation.

“I would say pretty much nothing!”

He said the FCA is clearly “unfit for purpose” and was itself contributing the woke financial industry that is forcing customers to lose their accounts over their political beliefs.

Mr Farage added: “They seem to have a completely twisted sense of priorities”.

“This is the sort of woke tide that is going through not just our corporate companies, but clearly it’s coming from, and being encouraged by, the regulator themselves.

He pointed to the old idiom that the “fish rots from the head-down”.

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