Pedro Sánchez despises Congress by sending Oscar Puente to respond to Feijo and avoids a debate on the amnesty | EUROtoday

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“Scary!” was heard in the PP bench when the president of Congress gave the identify of the socialist deputy speaker

Shouts of “coward” to Sánchez for not intervening in the investitureEL MUNDO (Video) // BERNARDO DAZ (Photo)
  • Investiture Feijo investiture debate, dwell

There was absolute secrecy. It was stored as the nice secret. Pedro Sánchez will intervene in the investiture debate by Alberto Nez Feijo? Silence. Secrecy. “Let’s see,” was the response. The PSOE wished to search for a coup d’état, a shock and Pedro Sánchez avoids face to face with the chief of the PP. The reply has been given Scar Bridge, former mayor of Valladolid. With this maneuver, on the one hand, the PSOE desires to present the lack of time that, they think about, this investiture represents. But at the similar time, it implies that Sánchez haggles over a debate with Beans with the amnesty as a backdrop. “The President of the Government will intervene at his time, when the time for his investiture arrives,” they level out from the socialist chief’s group.

In the previous few hours, the thought would have gained power that Sánchez wouldn’t be the one to converse out, due to the indisputable fact that in the face of an appointment that was not going to imply something, a “fake” investiture as they name it in the PSOE, descending into the mud from The first second wasn’t a good thought. But the whole lot was stored secret. Same as in Sumar. “I don’t think he will give us that gift,” they are saying from the PP management a jiffy after the PSOE took the flooring.

The socialist deputy
The socialist deputy Scar Puente, in the audio system’ gallery of Congress.Ok. HuescaEFE

That in precept contempt and disdain in the direction of Feijo has a message that the PSOE desires to convey with its choice. Feijo asks to govern as a result of he has gained the elections, he’s the most voted record. Puente was the most voted record in Valladolid, however he has not been ready to renew his place as mayor as a result of a pact between the PP and Vox has introduced him down. That is what Puente wished to present, who has recited giant cities the place the socialists gained however PP and Vox govern.

“The election of Oscar Puente as spokesperson in the reply to candidate Feijo is a way of putting all the contradictions of the PP leader in front of the mirror. From winner to winner, as Puente has rightly said, the house of cards of the PP’s argument falls without remedy,” they clarify from the PSOE management.

“Scary!” was heard in the PP bench when the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, gave the identify of the deputy Scar Puente. “Coward!”, when Feijo informed Sánchez not to intervene. “I see that the PP parliamentarians welcome me with joy. I hope they keep it,” had been his first phrases. “Mr. candidate for leader of the opposition,” was how he addressed the candidate for the investiture.

Puente has used a harsh, forceful, ironic, sarcastic tone… Far from moderation. Hardness. He has not hesitated to convey up Feijo’s photograph and friendship with drug trafficker Marcial Dorado. “It’s surprising to think that someone thought it was a good idea to nominate him as a gubernatorial candidate with such nonsense.” The assortment of bonuses, “you have the same memory as Dori”; “superb attitude”, accusation of wanting to purchase deputies…

Puente has tried to perform an train of contrasting what the Government has carried out in the final 4 years in opposition to the choices that the PP and Vox governments are making in the communities and municipalities the place they govern. “We cannot govern together because we are antagonists. We can agree on concrete measures although it is increasingly difficult to understand those who parasitize the extreme right.”

And relating to Feijo’s proposals, a few of which have tremendously bothered the PSOE, equivalent to elevating the minimal wage, the socialist spokesperson has used pure irony: “If what you are going to tell us is that we support you, that already “You do what we’d do, as a result of that’s the reason we already govern, we are going to do it higher and we’re far more coherent.”

Shock in the PP due to the intervention of Oscar Puente, which Feijo has called a “comedy membership.” “That you play little video games with successful and dropping, when the first time you had been mayor you probably did it after dropping the elections!”, PP sources have added.

“Snchez just lately had his final debate with Feijo throughout the electoral marketing campaign and has most well-liked to keep away from one other humiliation,” they judge in Genoa. “But to defend himself he has crossed a restrict that’s unprecedented. González had the dignity of responding to Aznar after being defeated at the polls. Sánchez isn’t worthy of the Presidency, nor of the report, nor of the place of normal secretary of the PSOE” , they load PP sources.

“Snchez makes use of the former mayor of Valladolid as his squire to keep away from dealing with Feijo and to keep away from dropping a new debate like the one the president of the PP prompted him in the final electoral marketing campaign and thus save himself a new humiliation,” other sources from the party insist. PP. “Snchez can endure Puigdemont’s humiliation, however not Feijo’s,” they are saying.