Steve Scalise fails to secure enough votes for house speaker | EUROtoday

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House Majority Leader Steve Scalise withdrew his identify from the operating to develop into speaker of the House of Representatives after he failed to secure enough votes.

Mr Scalise’s choice got here after he had failed to persuade 217 of the 221 members of the House Republican convention required to win the gavel to vote for him for speaker.

“If you look at where our conference is, there’s still work to be done,” he stated. “Our conference still has to come together. And it’s not there.”

The House Republican convention had nominated Mr Scalise on Wednesday to substitute former speaker Kevin McCarthy after an hours-long bull session. Mr Scalise beat out Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH), a hardliner conservative whom former preisdent Donald Trump endorsed.

But many Republicans criticised the method and lots of who supported Mr Jordan continued to again him.

“There are still some people that have their own agendas,” he stated. “And I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs this country is counting on us to come back together.”