The PP denounces that Armengol “has kidnapped” the legislative power and demands the appearance of Sánchez in Congress | EUROtoday

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The parliamentary spokesperson for the ‘in style’ criticizes that the Board doesn’t meet to paralyze the opposition’s initiatives

Cuca Gamarra, spokesperson for the PP in Congress.
Cuca Gamarra, spokesperson for the PP in Congress.Fernando DazEFE
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“The government in office does not want to be controlled. And the rest of its partners care rather little.” The PP explodes towards Francina Armengol. The spokesperson for the in styleThis Tuesday, Cuca Gamarra accused the president of Congress of “hijacking” the Chamber for the profit of the PSOE. For Gamarra, Armengol “prevents Congress from functioning, causing it to remain firmly closed by Pedro Sánchez, so that parliamentary procedures are not carried out.”

Furthermore, the chief in style has revealed that his occasion goes to request two extra appearances earlier than the Plenary Session of the Chamber: that of the appearing Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to report on the immigration disaster of Canary Islands; and, above all, that of the appearing President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to account for the European Council. “A government in office must fulfill its obligation to inform Congress,” this request has been justified.

“Armengol has stopped the clock”

In a press convention in Congress, the quantity of Alberto Nez Feijo has harshly criticized the truth that the president of the Lower House has not introduced collectively the parliamentary management physique and, in this fashion, has paralyzed the deadlines for the initiatives pending qualification: “The ordinary thing is that a Round Table is held and “A Board of Spokespersons is what ought to occur, however Congress is being prevented from functioning and nothing is named at the moment.”

“If the Board doesn’t perform, the parliamentary initiatives aren’t certified, and if the Board of Spokespersons will not be convened, it isn’t attainable to agree on what legally corresponds to the Board of Spokespersons, and hinder and hinder the regular functioning, producing the hijacking of Congress,” emphasized Gamarra, who gave as an example the request presented last week by the PP. for the appearance for the acting Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, to explain the Executive’s position on the escalation in Gaza.

Under the Congress Regulations, which allows a fifth of the spokespersons to force a Meeting to debate specific issues, the PP has registered a document demanding that said body be convened immediately. “Armengol has stopped the clock of the Cortes and has handed it over to Sánchez,” he denounced.

“Pedro Sánchez gave him the order so that political life doesn’t occur usually, parliamentary procedures aren’t carried out and a kind of regular functioning of Congress will not be activated,” insisted the spokesperson for the Popular Parliamentary Group. “We demand that Congress be opened now, that it perform, that it resume regular functioning, the very first thing we demand is that a date be set as soon as and for all for the investiture debate. That we discover ourselves in the course of of the investiture,” he careworn. .