Something new within the Markovic affair | EUROtoday

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Fin September 1968: the physique of a Yugoslav, Stevan Markovic, was present in Élancourt, in Yvelines. He is near Alain Delon. After his participation within the filming of The swimming pool on the Côte d’Azur, the actor returns to reply questions from the SRPJ in Versailles. The final time Markovic was seen was on September 22: he was leaving Delon’s house on Avenue de Messine. While France was barely recovering from May 68, a information story coupled with a political affair started which might obscure the tip of the Gaullian presidency.

At the tip of October, the title of Claude Pompidou, related to pictures of fantastic elements that Markovic allegedly took, circulated all through Paris, with out Georges Pompidou’s data. The former Prime Minister (he left Matignon in July) was solely knowledgeable on November 5 by a former advisor to Matignon, Jean-Luc Javal. On the eighth, he requested an viewers with General de Gaulle, who, ill-informed, ordered two days earlier than that justice took its course. The emancipation of Pompidou for the succession of the General can solely be defined by this very low blow coming from the Gaullist camp.

Hervé Gattegno devotes an enchanting work to this double affair, stuffed with unpublished paperwork masterfully orchestrated. In 2012, the journalist met the decide of the investigation, René Patard. Two years in the past, he additionally recovered the pocket book saved by the decide throughout the investigation. He was additionally granted distinctive entry to the depositions, which he quotes extensively. The predominant suspect, François Marcantoni, a Middle determine near Delon, had obtained a dismissal of the case in 1976, skillfully defended by Jacques Isorni, who threatened to rekindle the scandal. Hervé Gattegno delivers a later and explosive archive: the confession, of doubtful standing and delivered out of process by one other Yugoslav, Misha Slovenac, to the commissioner accountable for the investigation, of which the creator however factors out some inconsistencies and chronological errors. If it had been official, this testimony, true or false, might have been embarrassing for the actor.


October 30, 1968: the day Pompidou was caught up within the affair

” In my opinion [déposition de Borijov Ackov, NDLR], the motive for the murder is blackmail because Stevan was used to this type of business. He almost always carried a Polaroid camera during his outings, day or night. I know that in 1965-1966, Stevan was blackmailing former mistresses he had photographed. He operated more specifically in cinema circles. »

The policeman invites him to say more:

“I know of at least two places where Stevan participated in fine games,” he replies. One in Paris, the other in the suburbs; I can’t give you the addresses but I could take you there. » Ackov recounts having himself participated in one of these evenings, during the summer of 1966, with Markovic and “five other men including two compatriots”. Reading the minutes, the confession ends there. “I would need to gather my memories to be able to provide you with useful information, both about the people we met and about the places,” the prisoner concluded.

In reality, the conversation lasted almost five hours. But Officer Monceau, amazed by what he heard, preferred to obscure part of it: the one where Ackov describes the house where the orgy was said to have taken place, providing many details on the atmosphere, the physiognomy and the identity. participants – including a tall blonde with whom he boasted of having had sex, and of whom Markovic allegedly told him: “It’s Mrs. Prime Minister. »

Back at his office, the inspector rushes to see Commissioner Samson. With his notes in front of him, he reconstructs Ackov’s incredible unpacking. Samson orders secrecy. Monceau puts his notebook away under lock and key and, with All Saints’ Day approaching, leaves to rest for a few days. In the afternoon, Samson warns his superior, Commissioner Camard, who alerts his superiors. The information goes back to the office of the Minister of the Interior, Raymond Marcellin, who demands a report. To comply, Samson must break open Monceau’s drawer and recover his notes. At the same time, he informed Judge Patard, who telephoned prosecutor Lajaunie. Shortly after, the office of the Minister of Justice, René Capitant, was in the loop. The next evening, Patard was received by Lajaunie, who transmitted the instructions: “This information must appear in the file. We need to re-examine this Yugoslav. Do it yourself, it will be safer. Order from above. »

May 1970: the unpublished testimony of Misha Slovenac

(The text is a summary of his testimony written by Hervé Gattegno; the passages in quotation marks are taken from the document available to the author.)

Commissioner Samson returns to Misha Slovenac and receives his confession, as agreed. He produced a nine-sheet text written in an indirect style, without date or stamp, which he handed over to the judge on May 28: the account of the events which, according to the strange witness, led to the death of Stevan Markovic. Here’s the gist of it.

At the beginning of 1968, “Stevan began to consider a definitive separation from the Delon couple.” To enrich himself and take revenge, he suggests that Misha rob the actor’s property in Tancrou and the apartment on rue François-Ier, whose alarm systems he knows. Misha refuses. […]

He then charges Misha “with another commission”: to tell the actor that “Stevan is unhappy” with his disgrace and says he has “the right to demand that Delon do something for him”.

“This is the start of a blackmail process,” describes Misha.

Misha goes to Delon’s house in La Bouscarde, the villa he occupies in Ramatuelle before moving to La Capilla. The Yugoslav reconstructs their dialogue:

“You’re telling me that Stevan expects me to do something for him, but in what capacity? asks Delon.

– I have the impression that he would be able to harm you, answers Misha.

– What does he want ?

– Money.

– How much ?

– I don’t know.

– What does it have to offer?

– I don’t know, but I have the impression that Stevan could take advantage of the weaknesses he saw.

– Tell Stevan that if he has anything to say to me, he will come and talk to me about it himself, but also tell him that his presence in this house is neither wanted nor desirable. »

Misha tells Markovic about this exchange and offers to act as an intermediary. Stevan promises him a share of the sum he will receive, but indicates that he is “in contact with Marcantoni” for this, who will have “more weight to put pressure on Delon”. He has already given the gangster “part of the documents” so that he can show them to the actor.

Soon, Delon “wants to see what’s left.” Stevan asks Misha to come pick him up in Paris by car “because Delon wants to talk to him about payment terms”. As Misha did not want to act as driver, it was a fellow musician, Dimitri Angelakov, who transported Markovic in his Mercedes to Toulon on September 4. From there, Markovic goes to Le Lavandou, where Misha picks him up the next day and takes him to the outskirts of La Capilla. Delon joins them and locks himself with Stevan in the Aston Martin. The discussion lasts forty minutes. “Misha doesn’t know what was said, but he knows that’s when Stevan showed Delon the rest of the documents. » Shortly after, the actor calls Misha: “Does he have anything else? he asks. Certainly, replies Misha. – What will he do?

– Spend your money, then it will come back.

– Well, he won’t come back to attack again, then! » […]

On the 21st, Markovic recalled: “I have to receive the money tomorrow, Marcantoni has done what is necessary. I have to go to his house, to his villa, to get this money. But it smells like a dirty trick, he demanded that I come alone and not tell anyone where I was going. Come with me, I need to know that I am not alone. If you come, I guarantee you 3 million. » Misha doesn’t move.

Stevan asks him again on the morning of the 22nd, a few hours before the fateful meeting: Marcantoni has to send someone to get him, “there’s something that does not [lui] don’t like “. Stevan offers Misha the title of this emissary, who will subsequently be “the taxi man” – Misha doesn’t reveal his id, however specifies that he’s “smaller and thinner than Marcantoni” and that “the investigators know him “.

After Stevan disappears, Misha receives a call from young Uros Milicevic. He told him that before getting into the taxi, avenue de Messine, towards his unknown destination, Markovic “had given him certain documents to keep safe if he did not return”. Misha tries to get them, in useless. Later, Uros informed Misha that he had taken the bundle to Alain Delon’s home in Saint-Tropez. “Delon would have sorted it out, saved what involved him and gave the remaining again to Uros in order that he might give it to Alexander, Stevan’s brother. » What was carried out §