Tory minister hits out at UN chief over Israel feedback | EUROtoday

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A senior Israeli Defence Forces official warned that the IDF will “deal damning strikes” towards any militants that try to reap the benefits of the battle to assault Israel on one other entrance.

Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner advised Sky News that the army had “no patience for nonsense” as hostilities escalate on the northern border.

Lt Col Lerner’s feedback responded to questioning about Israel#s strikes on Syrian army targets earlier at this time.

He mentioned he sees all the northern border, which incorporates each Lebanese and Syrian territory, as “one large front”.

“Hezbollah has been aggravating the situation on the northern front with Lebanon, and there is a concern the northern front in itself from Syria, all the way across to Lebanon, will increase its hostility towards Israel,” he mentioned.

“We have no patience for nonsense and we will deal, I would say, damning strikes against those that intend to attack us.”