Guillaume Musso, a decade of best-sellers in France: “Literature is like good wine, it needs time” | EUROtoday

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The disciplined author publishes his twentieth novel, ‘Anglique’. “We live with frustration, the feeling that we could be something else, and that generates resentment,” he says.

Guillaume Musso
The French author Guillaume Musso.Emanuele Scorcelletti
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His revelation occurred when he was 11 years outdated. It was Christmas and do not forget that it was raining loads. Searching within the bookstore of her mom, who was a librarian, she discovered a quantity that caught her consideration: Wuthering Heightsthe Emilie Bront. “I started reading and I couldn’t stop, I had the feeling that I was free, that I was reading something forbidden, that experience marked me, for me it was a revelation. I have reread it several times. It is a work that you can read at different times of your life. “life and the message is completely different as a result of it has a number of layers. He writes about very highly effective emotions. For me it’s an object of fascination how such distinctive locations will be described.”

This is how the literary history of the most read author in France begins. His name is more unknown in Spain, but Guillaume Musso (Antibes, 1974) has been the most popular French author for a decade and has been among the three most read since 2008 (along with Harlan Coben y Stephenie Meyer). Her novels have been translated into 44 languages ​​and have sold millions of copies.

In the country of the literature of Proust or Flaubert, Guillaume Musso sells more books than many Nobel Prize winners. He passionately tells how, that Christmas day, he became trapped in the story (the only one Brnte wrote) that, a long time later, made him start writing. In between, he studied Economics, worked selling ice cream in the US and as a teacher. “For 20 years I’ve been making an attempt to put in writing what I wish to learn at that second, I inform myself a narrative“, he says. “You have to present pleasure and entertain folks. My novels are learn by completely different profiles and never everyone seems to be on the lookout for the identical factor. They have two ranges: one to entertain, to make you wish to flip the web page, and one other deeper one, to make you suppose,” she explains.

He meets us for the interview at the headquarters of the Calmann Levy publishing house, in the center of Paris, which has just published Angliquehis 20th novel. There he has his office, where he goes every day to write for eight hours, because he will be the most read author and will write an average of one book per year.requires discipline“. “I work every day, I need it so that the ideas come. A book can take between four and six months, between the documentation process and assembling the skeleton. Then there is the writing phase, which can last up to a year,” he explains.

He says writing “is hard.” “Opening the door to the imaginary world is difficult until you find the first sentence. Albert Camus said that writing a novel is easy, the difficult thing is writing 10, because then you have to structure your brain for literature,” says Musso. “This happens when you are constantly storing ideas in your brainyou have to have a devotion to writing, you never hit the button off. “You all the time search for references that function gas.”

What is the fuel for one of the most read authors in France? “The expertise, the conversations with associates, what you discuss in a taxi, the tales that individuals let you know…”. The first paragraph, the one that has to catch the reader, “typically it comes, typically it would not, and typically, if you begin writing, You really feel like you’re with naked toes making an attempt to see the height of Everest. That’s why you want loads of confidence.” “Anton Chekhov mentioned ‘I do not know how you can make a movie, however I understand how to make scenes’, so I inform myself that I’m going to compose completely different scenes. Anglique It’s like a compendium of various theater scenes,” he continues.

Although most of his most successful novels are of the genre thriller, says that he writes “hybrid books, with no specific style.” public And After (And then) after having suffered a traffic accident. She was talking about the end of life. It was the most read novel that year: “After my expertise I’m extra conscious that life can cease at any second. To face that concern I needed to inform a narrative that talks concerning the finish of life, however in a extra playful approach. It bought. shortly, as a result of it’s a matter that was fascinating.

Anglique talks concerning the complexity of the human being, about “how sometimes we have the feeling of not being in our place, are characters who want to have a different life. We live with frustration, the feeling that we could be something else, and that generates resentment,” he says.

“What I want is to convey to the reader that he is not the only one who has complex or contradictory feelings. The novel provides that: it describes the complexity of the human being. TheThe glowde Stephen Kingshows the struggle of the man who is going to become a monster and in the film, for example, you don’t see that, you see the monster,” he says, referring to the movie by Stanley Kubrick starring Jack Nicholson.

Your favourite guide, of the 20 bestsellers who has revealed, is the one she wrote when she had simply had her son. Is known as Central Park. It was 2013, he was taking good care of the infant and he says that in the future, at seven within the morning, he began writing. The novel begins with a French police officer and an American jazz pianist who’re handcuffed on a bench in Central Park. She is carrying her gun and it’s lacking a bullet. They do not bear in mind something.

This is his favourite of these written, however he has a “dozen books in his head” that haven’t but seen the sunshine of day. There is one specifically that he has been obsessive about for a very long time, simply over 10 years. It is the story of the “war godmothers”: ladies who despatched letters to troopers who had nobody, whom nobody anticipated once they returned from the entrance. Literature, he says, is like good wine, “it needs time.” Also like a love story: “It is successful when you find the person at the right time. A novel has to be written at the right time.”