Marine Le Pen distances herself from David Rachline, after the opening of an investigation into the city corridor of Fréjus | EUROtoday

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The president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, with the mayor of Fréjus (Var), David Rachline, during the launch of the campaign for the legislative elections, in Fréjus, April 28, 2022.

The public prosecutor of Perpignan, Pierre Coutenier, introduced on Sunday December 10 the opening of an investigation into the city corridor of Fréjus (Var), ” in the prolongation “ of the quite a few revelations of the journalist of The Obs Camille Vigogne Le Coat in her e-book, Raptors (Les Arènes, 224 pages, 20 euros). According to The Obswho revealed the data, the investigation would give attention to suspicions “public contract awards” irregular, “illegal taking of interest” and of “favoritism”.

Also learn the assessment: Article reserved for our subscribers “Les Raptors”: in Fréjus, the RN and the legacy of a crooked system of settlement

The e-book, revealed on November 2, denounces a sequence of irregularities throughout the city corridor headed by David Rachline. The younger elected National Rally (RN) was elected head of Fréjus in 2014 on the promise of placing an finish to the businessism that the town is experiencing. In distinction to this dedication, the creator particulars specifically a system of settlement main, in response to her, to corruption, involving the elected official and an influential native businessman, beneficiary of a number of public contracts, who shares lunches and sea ​​journeys with Mr. Rachline.

The work additionally evokes the opulent way of life of the far-right metropolis councilor, nicely past his compensation as an elected official in a metropolis of 56,000 inhabitants. Citing audio recordings specifically, the work reveals the costly use of money by Mr. Rachline, who purchased a look ahead to 15,000 euros. The e-book additionally evokes the drunken evenings organized by the 36-year-old mayor, throughout which, towards a backdrop of alcohol, racist and anti-Semitic remarks have been heard.

The “deep serenity” of Mr. Rachline

Mr. Rachline, who had his municipal council vote to finance his protection from the city corridor finances, fully denies the accusations. In a press launch reproduced within the work, he denounced the “fantasies and false accusations”assuring: “ I have never received an envelope from anyone. I earn my living honestly and moreover, all my income is public since it comes exclusively from my elective mandates. »

Asked on Sunday, Mr. Rachline assures of his “deep serenity” upon the announcement of the opening of an investigation “ following the publication of the defamatory book published by a far-left activist journalist “. For him, the judicial investigation will allow ” restore the truth “ on municipal management in order to put an end to “this abject cabal”. He lastly declares that the town intends to file a grievance towards Mme Vicuna Le Coat. Also requested, his advisor, Me Alexis Varaut, who was already to file a grievance on behalf of Mr. Rachline, didn’t reply.

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