State Parliament: Rhineland-Palatinate exceeds photo voltaic power growth targets | EUROtoday

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The growth objectives set by the Rhineland-Palatinate visitors mild coalition solar energy will probably be exceeded this yr. By the top of November, the rise had already reached 840 megawatts, stated the chief of the Green Party within the state parliament, Pia Schellhammer, on Monday in Mainz. This additionally features a new, massive photo voltaic park within the Eifel. In any case, the objective of a web growth in photovoltaics (PV) of 500 megawatts per yr will probably be exceeded, Schellhammer continued.

The Green parliamentary group may also make photo voltaic growth the subject of the present debate Parliament do that Wednesday (December thirteenth).

She sees nice curiosity in PV within the non-public sector, and so much can be occurring with PV in open areas, stated Schellhammer. The Traffic Light Coalition This yr, the cap on the annual tender quantity for PV on open areas, as set out in an ordinance, doubled from 200 to 400 megawatts per yr.

“At the same time, this is an incentive for wind energy to continue to grow,” stated Schellhammer. Wind power may also be a subject within the state parliament this week, as MPs will focus on the state wind power areas legislation. This is basically the authorized implementation of federal tips for designating minimal areas for wind power.

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