Olivier Dussopt’s concepts for full employment | EUROtoday

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Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, at the National Assembly, in Paris, December 12, 2023.

The street to full employment requires the enactment of extra demanding guidelines for staff. In a day by day interview The echoes on Friday December 15, Olivier Dussopt introduced a “act II of the reform” of the labor market. While the unemployment fee rose to 7.4% within the third quarter – removed from the 5% focused by Emmanuel Macron – the Minister of Labor considers it essential to“accelerate implementation” adjustments made at first of the five-year time period. A speech which echoes these, current and cascading, of Bruno Le Maire, his colleague in control of the economic system. Parliament needs to be seized within the first half of 2024.

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While being cautious to not“mention specific measures”, Mr. Dussopt confirms that among the avenues talked about in the beginning of December by Mr. Le Maire are being studied. So it goes “time limit for legal challenge” layoffs, which is at the moment twelve months, one of many largest in Europe, in keeping with Mr. Dussopt. ” It is too long “ And “this could slow down hiring”considers the Minister of Labor, however he doesn’t go as far as to suggest a quantum, whereas Mr. Le Maire instructed lowering this deadline to 2 months.

On the destiny of seniors disadvantaged of employment, Mr. Dussopt implicitly distances himself from Mr. Le Maire. The tenant of Bercy had pleaded all through compensation for unemployed folks over 55 to be lowered, in order to align it with that of others, which is much less favorable. Mr. Dussopt, for his half, appears to recommend that this period of cost of the allowance would stay unchanged, however relevant for these over 57, to be able to “adapt to pension reform”, which shifted the authorized age of departure by two years. Likewise, the age from which unemployed folks can proceed to obtain compensation till they’re entitled to a full pension “must go from 62 to 64”.

Regarding the traditional termination, Mr. Dussopt thinks that the federal government should “preserve it”, however by making changes. She is “sometimes used for employees aged 58 or 59 as a form of early retirement which does not say its name”. Therefore, it’s vital “find a way to prevent this windfall effect which penalizes the employment of seniors”.

“Will to interfere”

Very succinctly, the Minister of Labor expresses the want to enhance “social dialogue, which is difficult to implement when there are no unions in the company”. A really delicate drawback for the reason that problem is to establish employees representatives, in small corporations, who can negotiate with out being beneath the affect of the hierarchy. Mr. Dussopt additionally expressed his want to “double” the variety of checks on the unemployed. Finally, when requested in regards to the financing of social safety, he uttered an intriguing sentence in regards to the pension reform promulgated in mid-April: it “protect our system (…) by distribution nevertheless it doesn’t extinguish all of the debates and reflections which stay earlier than us ». As if he wished to instill the concept that the problem might return to the forefront by 2027.

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