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The PP will demand in Congress that tributes to terrorists be prohibited

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, introduced throughout an interview on Telecinco that his occasion goes to suggest within the Congress of Deputies that these convicted of terrorism or blood crimes will be on the electoral lists of any political occasion. Furthermore, he has reiterated that he’ll ask to ban tributes to terrorists and the potential of pardoning them, one thing that he already proposed through the marketing campaign.

The PP has communicated the initiative whereas the Lower House is making ready to confess for processing a proposal from Sumar in favor of decriminalizing the glorification of terrorism and insults to the Crown. The PSOE will predictably vote in favor of taking it into consideration, however the occasion has expressed reservations about its content material and isn’t in favor of withdrawing the crime of glorifying terrorism.

“Declaring legal the insults to the head of state and the Crown, the attacks on the symbols of our country and the glorification of terrorism is moral and ethical legal nonsense,” Feijóo assured of Sumar’s proposal. Yolanda Díaz’s occasion presents the measure as “defense of freedom of expression.”