The Government approves that Sepi purchase as much as 10% of Telefónica | Economy | EUROtoday

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The Government accepted this Tuesday within the Council of Ministers that the State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI), the economic arm of the State, purchase as much as 10% of the capital of Telefónica, which might make it the operator’s first shareholder. If the operation is confirmed, the State would return to Telefónica’s capital 26 years after its full privatization. At market costs this participation is valued at round 2,000 million euros.

“With a vocation for permanence, the participation of SEPI will allow Telefónica to provide greater shareholder stability so that the company achieves its objectives and, therefore, will contribute to the safeguarding of its strategic capabilities,” the Executive said this afternoon in an announcement. .

[Noticia en elaboración. Habrá ampliación]

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