The immigration legislation splits Macron’s majority | EUROtoday

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The kiss of dying”. This was the name given to the choice of the Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen, who voted for the new law on immigration yesterday at the Assemblée Nationale, dividing the deputies of President Emmanuel Macron’s party who experienced the whole affair as “an explosion” . To the point that the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, resigned because he was against the limitations on medical assistance for immigrants.

The votes of the far right

The 88 votes of the far right, explains the majority, were not decisive for approval but the numbers do not add up entirely: the law received 349 yes against 186 no. If RN had voted against, the outcome would have been 274 no against 261 yes; only if he had abstained would the text have passed. It is also possible, however, that at least some of the defections of the majority were motivated precisely by the support announced by the Lepenists. At least 20 deputies from the president’s party voted against, as well as 5 from the Mouvement Démocrate and two from Horizons, who support the government. Another 32 deputies from the majority abstained. Several voted out of party discipline, or out of loyalty to the president.

However, the Macronians’ uneasiness does not only concern the support of RN. The law, which had been under discussion for some time, was finally approved only after a decisive turn to the right by Elizabeth Borne’s government which allowed it to obtain the consensus of the Républicains (62 votes), while the left and centrists opposed it.

Macron soon recognized the trap of the right, and on Tuesday he reserved the right not to promulgate the text and to ask for a second vote if the Lepenists proved decisive. Now, however, he has appealed to the Conseil Constitutionnel, as the opposition wants to do for other reasons, to recognize as illegitimate some concessions to the right that he doesn’t like and which are indigestible by an important part of his party: the multi-year quotas, the crime of residence irregular and limitations on family reunification.

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Even at a neighborhood degree the opposition is rising: twenty-two departments out of the thirty-two ruled by the left have determined to disapply the legislation, to the extent doable. For immigrants excluded from some social advantages, Autonomy Allocations will likely be arrange, basically funds devoted to integrating what the federal government should take away.