Daniel Ortega unchained: arrests one other Catholic bishop for calling for prayer | EUROtoday

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Since 2018, the harassment and demolition towards organizations and universities has already left greater than 3,500 expelled from the nation or closed

ARCHIVE - The Nicaraguan president
The Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega.Adalberto RoqueAP
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Daniel Ortega He has no restraint in his aim of turning his nation into the North Korea of ​​Central America, based mostly on complete and despotic social management, remoted from the surface and with none voice that may declare him from the within. The newest sufferer of his dictatorial drift is Monsignor Isidoro del Carmen Mora, bishop of Suina, within the area North Atlantic, that he made the “mistake” of asserting to his parishioners that the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference (CEN) He remained in prayer for the insurgent bishop, Rolando Álvarez, imprisoned for 16 months.

“We are always united in praying for this beloved diocese of Matagalpa, praying for Monsignor Orlando, praying for the journey of each of you. “We are united in prayer, in communion, in religion, in love and in tenderness,” Monsignor Mora said on Tuesday during the mass in celebration of the canonical foundation in the cathedral of San Pedro de Matagalpa, the diocese headed by the rebel bishop before be arrested last year.

Religious sources consulted by EL MUNDO claimed to be unaware of the fate ordered for the bishop by the Sandinista regime. in the middle of Christmas, and if he was going to regain freedom in a few hours.

“We demand the liberty of Monsignor Isidoro Mora!” said the former presidential candidate. Flix Maradiaga, one of the 222 political prisoners banished this year to USA. A dozen Catholic priests were also banished to Rome in October. On both occasions, the rebellious bishop refused to abandon his country.

Although the only prisons were emptied with this year’s mass exiles, they are already at least 100 political prisoners those who remain in the dungeons of Daniel Ortega and his wife, the co-president Rosario Murillo.

This same week, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) made public its forced abandonment of the Central American country after the revolutionary onslaught, which already suppressed the local Red Cross to impose an entity called White Cross of Nicaragua. Since the harassment and demolition of organizations and universities began in 2018, more than 3,500 have now ended up expelled from the country or closed. Among them 342 religious organizations, the majority (256) evangelical associations, in addition to 43 Catholic ones.

Once the opposition and civil society organizations were harassed and persecuted, it was the Catholic Church the royal power with the most prestige among the only ones, which has caused a radicalization of the ruling party against it. And not only against his clergy and his followers, also against his economic structure. Last Monday several workers from Caritas, accused of money laundering.

The year closes with 275 attacks by the dictatorship against the Catholic Church, despite the Pope’s appeals. Francisco He provoked the wrath of the presidential couple by describing his regime as a “impolite dictatorship,” which reminded him of communist dictatorships.
