the minister of upper training introduced her resignation, which was “refused”, broadcasts her entourage | EUROtoday

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The French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, December 12, 2023.

The Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, introduced her resignation on Wednesday to Emmanuel Macron, resulting from a “deep disagreement” on measures regarding college students within the Immigration Act, but it surely was ” Refused “introduced his entourage to Agence France-Presse on Thursday December 21.

After the adoption of this contested regulation, with the votes of the correct and the acute proper, Sylvie Retailleau had “reminded the Prime Minister of her deep disagreement with the measures concerning students”in line with his workplace.

This resignation, introduced on the sidelines of the council of ministers, “was refused” and the minister will stay ” in office “, specified the identical supply. If a minister needs to go away workplace, this doesn’t require the approval of the federal government or the President of the Republic.

The Head of State and Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, “assured the minister that the measures concerning students” within the “immigration” regulation “would be revised if they were not censored by the Constitutional Council”in line with data from Figaro. They additionally declared to him “that the president wanted to talk about it” on France 5 the identical night. On Wednesday night, Mr. Macron judged in this system “C à vous” that this residue was not “not a good idea”however that the provisions which didn’t please “did not justify blocking everything”.

A number of hours earlier on France Inter, the Prime Minister had additionally procrastinated on this measure. “The Minister of Higher Education may exempt students from this deposit based on their resources, depending on their meritorious academic or university career. Is this the best system? Not necessarily. Should we think about it? Maybe “, she had said. Then questioned about the cost of this deposit, Mme Borne then recalled that the amount had to be fixed by regulation: “It could be 10 euros, 20 euros. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Immigration” regulation: the manager distances itself from the return “deposit” meant for overseas college students

Threats of resignation before the adoption of the text

Five ministers had planned to discuss their position and the possibility of resigning if the highly contested text of the “immigration” law was adopted on Tuesday evening, during a dinner at the Ministry of Transport, organized at 8:30 p.m. by Clément Beaune. Sylvie Retailleau (higher education), Roland Lescure (industry), Patrice Vergriete (housing) and Rima Abdul Malak (culture) were among the participants in this meeting.

Ms. Abdul Malak for her part denied on Wednesday a possible resignation concerning her. Clément Beaune, Roland Lescure and Patrice Vergriete have not made a statement on this subject since the final adoption of the text. Only Aurélien Rousseau, who was not on the list of participants in this meeting, has since resigned.

Read additionally: Article reserved for our subscribers “Emmanuel Macron, who knew the protests in the street, now sees himself pushed into his own camp”

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