Vox doesn’t situation Mazín’s budgets however rearms itself within the Cortes to make itself seen | EUROtoday

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The Valencian Government is finishing up its accounts with none tensions or fissures between the companions. The president skillfully manages relations and insists on creating “a single Council”

Mazón, after overcoming the flu, congratulates Barrera after the approval of the budgets.EFE

The Valencian authorities may have a price range for 2024 of 29,732 million marked by the insurance policies of the People’s Party dedicated by Carlos Mazn to which it has joined seamlessly Vox and which have assured a peaceable begin to the legislature. In the federal government motion there was no discrepancy between the companions nor the formation of Santiago Abascalregardless of its breakup with the nationwide PP, producing tensions within the Valencian Communityone thing that has occurred in different autonomous areas, comparable to lately in Balearics.

Mazón has carried out the accounts with none friction together with his companions, who haven’t imposed circumstances and have joined the road marked by the in styleprimarily based on a discount within the fisca waitly the slicing pointless spending of the Administration that left the Botnic. “One word is enough for us to understand each other,” says the PP spokesperson within the Cortes, Miguel Barrachina, one of many negotiators of the Government pact.

These accounts, 4.5% greater than the earlier Botnic authorities, “set the change in motion,” based on Mazón, and include “the largest budget for social spending (education, health and social services) while at the same time less taxes and political spending.

Vox is not proving to be an uncomfortable partner for Mazán nor has it forced him to make balances. The leadership is very clear. the vice president Vicente Barrera He plays a discreet role – with some skirmishes with the opposition on social networks and in parliament itself – and the president skillfully manages and greases the relations between the members of the Consell. In these first six months, only once has he had to qualify the position of a Vox councilor. It was to ensure that, despite the doubts generated by the Minister of Justice, Elisa Nez, the Generalitat was not considering abolishing the offices to assist victims of gender violence.

Vox’s management in the Government focuses on areas in which there are no discrepancies between the partners: Justice, Agriculture and Culture and Sports. The policies that determine the actions of the Consell in the face of gender violence, support for the LGTBI community or energy transition are in the hands of the popular without Vox having raised its voice. The budget negotiation is an example and Mazán has not found the need to give in to pressure as the Balearic Islands have had to do. Marga Prohens eliminating subsidies to unions and employers.

Visibility and differentiation

Without a prominent political profile in the Consell, Vox is looking for him in the Valencian Cortes. Abascal has unexpectedly changed his spokesperson, relegating the person who held that role in the last legislature, Ana Vegaand betting on a more belligerent deputy: Jos Mara Llanos.

This is one of the promoters of the party in Valencia, head of the list for Valencia in the 2019 regional elections and candidate for Minister of Justice without being due to his condition. denialist of gender violence. Now that Abascal’s leadership is looking for voices that differ, at least, in the parliamentary debate.

“We might agree, however we aren’t the identical celebration,” Llanos has stated more than once from the tribune of the Cortes.

The first litmus test of a coalition government is agreeing on the budgets and the agreement cost very little to reach and Vox’s role was very secondary although Mazón brought it to the front line. The position of Abascal’s party during the rest of the legislature in the Valencia Community will be determined in Madrid and is still unknown.
