The theater critiques of the week: a play to take to your nephews, a canine with a resume and a poetic drama | Babelia | EUROtoday

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A textual content from the thoughts of an adolescent in order that youngsters can see themselves mirrored. “I would take my nephews,” says Mercedes L. Caballero in her evaluation of the work. Firmament, from La Veronal. Marcos Morau, creator of the piece together with the six dancers, has tried, from his personal expertise, to enter the thoughts of any adolescent, and on stage the sentiments and sensations “of discovery, of overstimulation, of acquisition of the curiosity and chaos of an age in which the farewell to childhood and the advent of youth coexist.”

For his part, Albert Arribas has put on stage The dog a recent text by Lluïsa Cunillé awarded the prestigious Born Theater Prize (which the playwright has already won three times). A lost dog is the trigger that causes an unexpected date between a man and a young man on a stormy night. “It is not very common to leave the theater with more questions than answers, so do me the favor of going to La Gleva and don’t get lost The dog”, recommends Oriol Puig Taulé in his critique of the work

Finally, Israel Elejalde has set up Just the end of the world, a demanding work written by Jean-Luc Lagarce in 1990, after learning that he had AIDS. A laudable effort, with moments of scenic truth, although the staging “comes cold,” as Raquel Vidales assures in her review.

Scene from the play 'Firmamento' La Veronal

The Valencian creator Marcos Morau investigates his own adolescence to create a work that overflows with imagination and contains intricacies of reading.

The go theater criticism

Albert Arribas puts on stage the award-winning text by Lluïsa Cunillé: it is not very common to leave the theater with more questions than answers, so go see this play

Jean-Luc Lagarce

The staging of the famous play by Jean-Luc Lagarce directed by Israel Elejalde is cold

Scene from 'Voodoo', (3318) Blixen, by Angélica Liddell.  Photography LUCA DEL PIA

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