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On June 15, 2013, Jacques Delors delivered a speech within the type of a testomony in Paris. Extract.

What threatens Europe

We have three dangerous opponents. The first: the economic and social slump which has tragic consequences for millions of Europeans. The second: the image of a punitive Europe, external to the people. The third: populism, which feeds on globalization but also on the consequences of economic and financial consolidation plans… The future of the Economic and Monetary Union is to trace the path of hope, in other words that of of the revival. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The death of Jacques Delors, a great European

The disappointed hope of the single currency

“A common currency is a very big ambition, perhaps too big. We underestimated the seriousness of a European project which affects citizens. A single market includes competition rules, but the single currency is something else. Citizens have it in their pocket. With it, they measure their standard of living and the place of their country in Europe. »

What almost killed the euro

“Those who governed us failed in their essential duties. From 1999 to 2002, they only dealt with the single currency and completely forgot the economic leg of the Economic and Monetary Union… During this period, when the economic and the monetary did not go together, the competitiveness of several Member States has deteriorated and the structural gap between North and South has increased. This is a very serious problem for the future because if countries have lost the structure which allows them to be competitive, taking into account their personality and their geographical location, then the euro, whatever the reforms, will not won’t work. »

What can save the euro

“The reform of the euro calls for a major effort in structural development and reinforced cooperation. Mr. Genscher, in his time, summed up this in a simple way: “No country can force others to go further with it, but no country in Europe can prevent some from going faster”…

Enhanced cooperation means shared sovereignty. This presupposes an autonomous finances for the euro zone, an instrument of financial regulation and naturally a banking union, with out forgetting an inexpensive transfer in direction of fiscal harmonization and the start of social harmonization…”

Read additionally: Article reserved for our subscribers Jacques Delors and “the enigma” François Hollande

And social Europe

“When I learn sure paperwork from Brussels, I’ve the impression that if the worker agrees to be extra cellular, to decrease his wage and to be topic to extra versatile phrases to be made unemployed, the system is saved . But it’s not attainable to simply accept such simplistic arguments! Imagine if some individuals dominated the world after the conflict and made these concepts triumph, we would not have Social Security. The ideological, political and financial battle just isn’t over. »

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