Cristina Ibarrola: The dignity of a mop | Opinion | EUROtoday

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“I would never be mayor with the votes of EH Bildu. Never. Whatever happens. She would never support EH Bildu, in exchange for nothing. Whatever happens. “I prefer to scrub stairs.” This is what, with none blush, Cristina Ibarrola mentioned throughout a press convention minutes after dropping the mayoralty of Pamplona. After her phrases, a tense silence of a number of seconds that she broke herself to shut her look.

This Thursday, all consideration was on the City Hall of the Navarrese capital as a result of the movement of censure was held there that gave Joseba Asirón, of EH Bildu, the baton of command of town. The outgoing mayor’s statements unfold like wildfire on social networks. By mid-afternoon, the phrase “Scrub” appeared on X’s trending record with hundreds of mentions.

The overwhelming majority of the feedback disfigured Ibarrola’s unlucky assertion. “As if such an essential task were something degrading. “I wish you would learn a little bit of the honor of a job that consists of keeping a space beautiful and cared for,” Patrycia Centeno tweeted; “’I prefer to scrub stairs,’ she says, trying to look dignified when the only thing that really remains is a complete classist. “The angrier they get, the more they show their true colors,” wrote Alan Barroso; and Joaquín Urías asked himself: “Where do these politicians come from? The mayor says that she prefers scrubbing stairs to making an agreement with Bildu. With this she demonstrates two things: that she considers scrubbing stairs degrading and that she views being mayor as a way to make a living. “All very pathetic.” These are simply three examples that present Cristina Ibarrola’s denunciations of classism that have been learn in X. At seven within the afternoon, the UPN councilor wished to make clear her phrases: “I wanted to say that I prefer to do a decent, hard and poorly paid job like cleaning, rather than selling my principles. Any other interpretation is false, self-serving and partisan.” She did not express regret.

But not solely has the assertion of the previous mayor of Pamplona, ​​Marta Rivera de la Cruz, councilor within the Madrid City Council and consultant of the Popular Party within the Congress of Deputies, criticized the extension of the subsidy for Renfe and bus tickets that Pedro Sánchez introduced after the final Council of Ministers of the 12 months. “So the taxes paid by the lady who cleans my house will be used to pay for transportation for my nephew, who has a good job and a good salary. “It doesn’t seem very fair.” The responses were immediate: “And they will also pay for a family member of yours who is retired (even though he has a very good pension) if he lives in the Community of Madrid, where your party governs. Let us not forget that the transport pass in Madrid is free for everyone over 65″, journalist Aldo Gómez told him. Another user, @PepaSebastian58, cited Rivera de la Cruz’s tweet —who, like many other politicians, does not allow responses from people she does not follow— with the comment: “Someone explain to Marta that the taxes we all pay are used to keep public services running, whether you use them or not. They also serve to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. Does that seem fair to you?” Likewise, quite a few customers reminded her that, exactly, a part of the taxes paid by whoever cleans her home goes to pay her wage as councilor and deputy.

The statements and actions of some councilors in current days present that there’s rather more dignity in a mop stick than in some electoral lists. Furthermore, as Beatriz Cepeda requested, “Why do people who are not going to have to scrub stairs in their lives always prefer to scrub stairs?”