Montero assumes extra energy and vindicates the ministers: “The thing about women fighting among themselves is false. They are the men” | EUROtoday

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The new Minister of Economy
The new Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, jokes with Nadia Calvio and Mara Jess Montero in regards to the weight of the portfolio he assumesAlberto Di Lolli / @adilolliWORLD

The new first vp of the Government, Mara Jess Monterohas forcefully assumed most energy within the Executive after that of Pedro Sánchez. In the switch of portfolios within the Ministry of Economic Affairs, he requested the third vp, Teresa Riberawhich joined the dais the place the projection was Nadia Calvio and has vindicated the ministers.

“The thing about women fighting among themselves is false. It is the men who fight,” mentioned Montero, highlighting the robust connection that has united him these years with Teresa Ribera and with Calvio herself, who has given him the primary vice presidency. .

Montero – who has not introduced up current ministers comparable to José Luis Escriv – has highlighted the complicity of “the women in the economic area of ​​the Government.” “I have to say that when someone at some point could have a downturn, a moment of discouragementthe rest of us have always come (…) destroying what is always said that women fight among themselves, that is radically false. Men fight among themselves. Women normally try to help each other.“. De Calvio has mentioned that he has together with her “a friendship that is forged in the trenches” and the brand new president of the European Investment Bank has described her as a “twin” and “sister.”

Montero has requested the brand new Minister of Economic Affairs, Carlos Bodyto develop together with her “the same complicity that Nadia Calvio“and has made it clear that exercising the primary vice presidency is “complementary to being Minister of Finance.”


Body, for its half, has highlighted in its first intervention the significance of fiscal accountability “and in that the Minister of Finance has a lot to say.” She has said that we should proceed on the trail of decreasing the deficit and the debt and, in an expression that’s not normally used within the Government, she has said that “It must be done credibly and decisively.”

The new minister joked throughout the switch of the portfolio, pretending to Calvio that it was falling as a consequence of its extreme weight, because the picture illustrates. She, for her half, has described the Ministry of Economic Affairs as “Rolls Royce of the Spanish Administration” and has refused to say goodbye, however quite “see you forever.” She, Body and Montero have acquired a protracted applause from the officers who crammed the auditorium.

Of all of the attendees, Corpus has been the one one who has harassed within the speeches the significance of “having an attitude of dialogue and achieving consensus.” “We cannot allow ourselves to fail,” mentioned the brand new minister. “This is going to turn out very well,” a grown Montero has guess.