Pedro Surez-Vertiz, Peruvian rock singer-songwriter, dies | EUROtoday

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He suffered from coronary heart issues, so he left concert events 10 years in the past.

Pedro Su
Pedro Surez-Vertiz, in 2010 in Puerto Rico.THAI LLORCA(EPA) EFE

The singer-songwriter Pedro SurezVertizone of many essential figures of Peruvian rock, died this Thursday at 54 because of coronary heart issues, Several native media reported and municipal authorities confirmed.

“From the municipality of Miraflores we regret the death of Pedro Martín José María Surez-Vrtiz Alva, a prominent resident of our district, musician, singer, composer, producer and writer“, the municipality of that Lima district mentioned in a message on the social community X (previously Twitter).

The native authorities despatched “its ms heartfelt condolences to his relatives, family and friends.

The RPP radio station reported that police sources confirmed that Surez-Vrtiz suffered a heart attack at 6:55 a.m. (11:55 GMT) at his home in Miraflores.

Surez-Vertiz stopped public appearances a decade ago, after reporting that he suffered from bulbar palsya disease that affects the lower motor neurons of the brain stem.

However, he continued to develop personal projects, to the point that this month he published a new edition of his autobiography “I, Peter” and maintain active participation in social networks.

The singer-songwriter responded a few days ago to a questionnaire sent to him by the newspaper El Comercio, in which he stated that he was “extra restricted (bodily) than earlier than,” but said that he would not change “for the Pedro of the final decade.” “The peace that I’ve achieved, annulled all my nostalgia”seal.

Surez-Vertiz broke out in the 80s of the last century as one of the most prominent young artists on the local scene at the head of the group Arena Hashwhich also had among its members the later renowned actor Christian Meier.

After recording two albums with that group, the musician began a successful national career as a soloist that allowed him to record six other productions, with songs that also achieved success in other countries in the region, including “When you consider coming again”considered an anthem of Latin American migrants.

The also national singer-songwriter Gianmarco Zignano He recorded on his social networks that Surez-Vertiz was “considerate, inventive, an absolute lover of guitars.”

“We are going to overlook you, as your track says, till the top, Pedrito, what you allow in our souls is hysterical, it’s extremely large”concluy.