Collective bargaining battle: Wissing desires GDL and Bahn again on the negotiating desk | EUROtoday

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Shortly earlier than the beginning of the multi-day strike in passenger transport, Transport Minister Volker Wissing known as on Deutsche Bahn (DB) and the Train drivers’ union GDL known as for a return to the negotiating desk.

“A way has to be found that both sides can get along with. To do this we have to talk to each other. “I urgently call on both sides to return to the negotiating table,” the FDP politician informed “Bild”.

Strike till Friday

Warned in the direction of the union Wissing, in a democracy it’s important to “talk to each other, exchange arguments and negotiate instead of blocking people by standing still.” Collective bargaining autonomy doesn’t launch anybody from this social accountability.

Previously it was German railway failed of their try earlier than the Hessian State Labor Court to avert the GDL strike by an pressing software for an interim injunction.

The GDL started its strike measures on the DB on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in freight transport. In passenger transport, the strike was scheduled to start at 2 a.m. within the early morning. The deliberate finish of the commercial motion is Friday night at 6 p.m. But the results are additionally more likely to be felt within the hours earlier than and after.

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