Emmanuel Macron lectured by academician François Sureau on respect for the rule of regulation | EUROtoday

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François Sureau, in his Paris office, July 8, 2020.

A double cost, in pincers. Monday January 8, Emmanuel Macron, who offered his needs to the Constitutional Council, was lectured twice. The first got here from the President of the Council himself, Laurent Fabius, who, from the village corridor of the Elysée, criticized him between the strains for treating the rule of regulation with a sure lightness. The former prime minister of François Mitterrand can’t digest the casualness of a number of members of the manager who, simply earlier than Christmas, explicitly acknowledged that a number of provisions of the immigration invoice weren’t constitutional, hoping that the Council censors the articles dictated by Les Républicains (LR), which they took the least political accountability for.

Read additionally: Article reserved for our subscribers “Immigration” regulation: when the President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, scolds Emmanuel Macron on the rule of regulation

” The constitutionnal Council [n’est] neither an echo chamber of public opinion trends, nor a chamber of appeal for the choices of Parliament, but the judge of the constitutionality of laws”, recalled its president, who regretted that “this simple definition [ne soit] probably not or not yet integrated by everyone”. Mr. Fabius, who criticized the ” confusion “ among some between law and politics, called for “respect the rule of law, which is defined by a set of cardinal principles such as the separation of powers, the principle of legality and the independence of judges”.

The charge, which comes from a political adversary bound by the duty of reserve, is severe. Another, even harder one, arrived the same day, at exactly the same time, but this time from a friend. On the other side of the Seine, the lawyer, writer and academician François Sureau was invited to open the back-to-school session of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, on the theme of justice.

Under the amused gaze of the former Secretary General of the Government, Marc Guillaume, and the former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Lecointre, he also strongly criticized “the way in which, after having favored a compromise on the law relating to immigration, as if the Constitution had nothing to do with it, the executive referred the text that it had wanted to the Constitutional Council”.

A “senseless” attitude of certain politicians

The creator of Path of the Dead (Gallimard, 2013), whom the Head of State appreciates and with whom he likes to speak about literature or army issues, made ironic feedback in regards to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who, on December 19, earlier than the ultimate vote of the invoice on immigration to the National Assembly, had blurted out: “The work of the Constitutional Council will do its job, however politics shouldn’t be about being a lawyer earlier than attorneys. »

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