Water ranges: Floods in Lower Saxony are slowly receding | EUROtoday

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The flood in Lower Saxony goes additional again. According to an outline by the Lower Saxony State Office for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN), some water ranges are nonetheless above the very best reporting stage for rivers. “In the lower reaches of the Aller and Leine, the levels are still above reporting level 3,” the authority wrote. “It can be assumed that the drainage situation, which has already been ongoing for a long time, with significantly increased water levels, will continue for a few more days.”

The state workplace expects the water ranges to fall under the reporting ranges within the coming week. Compared to final week, the water stage at many measuring stations has decreased considerably.

“We had an absolutely exceptional situation in Lower Saxony,” mentioned a spokesman for the state firm. Due to the change in climate and comparatively dry climate, the scenario is slowly easing. There are nonetheless elevated water ranges in some areas, particularly within the decrease reaches of the rivers, however developments there are additionally constructive. In some areas of Lower Saxony, many areas are nonetheless flooded. Temperatures within the minus vary have typically led to giant areas of ice on meadows and fields.

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