Emmanuel Macron asks his ministers for “results”, “solidarity and speed” | EUROtoday

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During her handover of energy on Friday morning, the brand new Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, paid tribute to Simone Veil

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Catherine Vautrin, Aurore Bergé and Fadila Khattabi, during the transfer of power to the Ministry of Health, Friday January 12, 2024.

“As I enter here, I immediately want to pay tribute to one of my predecessors (…)Simone Veil »at the time “where its founding text must be engraved in the stone of our Constitution”, declared the brand new Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, Catherine Vautrin, in the course of the switch of energy with Agnès Firmin Le Bodo (former Minister of Health) and Aurore Bergé (former Minister of Solidarity and Families) on the Ministry of Health. She thus talked about the invoice together with voluntary termination of being pregnant (abortion) within the Constitution, which the federal government hopes to see accomplished initially of March.

As a reminder, the previous member of the Republicans and president of Grand Reims since 2014, was blocked from coming into Matignon in 2022 by the left wing of Macronie, for her right-wing positions, specifically for having participated within the mobilization in opposition to the legislation authorizing same-sex marriage ten years in the past.

Friday, Mme Vautrin additionally emphasised that “Prevention and the provision of care are absolutely major issues”. She felt that “the public hospital and all health establishments must be supported as well as modernized” and that the caregivers, of whom she talked about ” courage “will need to have “stimulating exercise conditions”.
“I have not forgotten this great subject of the end of life”she added, with out saying extra, whereas the long-promised invoice on this ultra-sensitive topic is now anticipated in February.

“Yes, our health system and our medico-social sector are not short of challenges”, she stated, promising to dedicate ” all [s]we energy » has “rearm our healthcare system.
At his side, Mme Firmin Le Bodo said “deep gratitude to all healthcare professionals”while Aurore Bergé, appointed minister responsible for gender equality and the fight against discrimination, declared that “ this ministry, without women, it does not hold”as ” the society “.

Shortly after, Mme Vautrin went to the Ministry of Labor for the handover with Olivier Dussopt, paying tribute, this time, to the former centrist minister Jean-Louis Borloo, who had been minister of employment.
Evoking a social dialogue “sometimes difficult, but always fruitful”she announced that she would receive “very soon the social partners”.

While her missions include the objective set by President Macron of achieving full employment (i.e. an unemployment rate of around 5% in 2027), Mme Vautrin recalled that she was from a generation which “experienced mass unemployment” and that she “today finally sees a decline”. But “we all know that we must continue the effort noted the ex-Sarkozyist, citing the efforts to be made “for this France which gets up early”, a nod from the latter to the former head of state. Mme Vautrin also highlighted ” braveness “ of Olivier Dussopt, who notably carried out the very unpopular pension reform.
“When I joined the government, I burned my ships, but it was worth it”
noted the ex-socialist, who is leaving the government “after six years”.
