Nikkei Stock Average Heads for Fourth Day of Near 34-Year Highs | EUROtoday

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The Nikkei Stock Average seems headed for a fourth straight day of close to 34-year highs, underpinned by expectations for the Bank of Japan to keep up its super-loose accommodative financial coverage stance and a weaker yen.

Japan’s benchmark index was not too long ago 1.2% larger at 35474.57, on monitor to succeed in the best closing stage since February 1990, after hitting close to 34-year highs for the previous three days. The index is ready for a 6.3% acquire this week, the biggest weekly acquire for the reason that week ended March 18, 2022, in line with FactSet. Nomura forecasts the Nikkei to commerce in a 33000-37000 vary for January-March, the brokerage’s analysts stated in a analysis word.

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