The AfD’s rhetoric doesn’t appeal to farmers: positions are generally contradictory | EUROtoday

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An AfD banner on January eighth on the sidelines of a farmers’ protest in entrance of the Brandenburg Gate
Image: dpa

The AfD is looking for solidarity with the indignant farmers. But their positions are generally opposite to these of the farmers. To do that, she tries to undermine the affiliation.

DThe AfD is presently saying on daily basis that it stands on the aspect of the farmers. But what’s she doing there, and do the farmers need it? In any case, farmers in Germany usually are not significantly near the AfD – quite the opposite. This emerges from figures from the Elections Research Group. She commonly surveys skilled teams about who they vote for. Eight p.c of farmers voted for the AfD in each the 2021 and 2017 federal elections. This is under the general common; In 2021, the occasion achieved a very good ten p.c throughout Germany, and earlier than that it was twelve and a half.

Traditionally, farmers vote for the Union, and for a very long time they did so with an absolute majority. But approval has been crumbling for a while now; Most lately, the Union needed to settle for that it acquired a relatively poor 45 p.c of the farmers. Four years earlier it was 61 p.c, and 4 years earlier it was 74 p.c.