Urtasun guarantees the Generalitat to develop the MNAC and promote Catalan | EUROtoday

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The Government will create new infrastructures in Tarragona, subsidize the Ramón Llull Institute and defend creation within the Catalan language.

Ernest Urtasun, Minister of Culture.
Ernest Urtasun, Minister of Culture.EFE
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The Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, has met in Barcelona with the Minister of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Natlia Garriga, to indicate her “his commitment to Catalonia, its language and its cultural potential”, in line with a word launched by the Ministry. . Urtasun has promised Garriga that the Government will assist “improve the strategic cultural facilities“s in the entire of Catalonia” and that will participate in the promotion of Catalan and Catalan culture “as a part of the cultural wealth of a various Spain.”

Both agreements have resulted in several specific lines of work. The first is the expansion of the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) with the objective of turning it into an international reference by 2029, the year in which the centenary of the Universal Exhibition of 1929 will be celebrated.

The second agreement will lead to the construction of the new State Public Library in Tarragona, a state-owned infrastructure whose management will be transferred to the Generalitat of Catalonia. The minister hopes that during 2024 the Ministry of Culture will call the competition for the architectural project, once its final location has been decided. ANDin order to promote the Catalan language and culture, the third agreement consists of consolidating the contribution that was initiated, via amendment, to the Ramón Llull Institute by the Ministry of Culture in 2023, for the amount of 100,000 euros. As Urtasun explained, “one of many hallmarks of this Ministry would be the promotion of Catalan tradition and language inside our borders, but additionally internationally.”

In that sense, he has assured that the Ministry of Culture and the Government of Spain will give “determined steps in direction of the aim that each one the cultural wealth of Spain is handled on an equal footing”. And he has indicated that “work has already begun on this path, for instance, inviting writers and editors of all official languages ​​to the 2024 Guadalajara International Book Fair”, in which Spain will be the Guest Country of Honor. .

The fourth agreement between the Government and the Generalitat is to create a joint working group aimed at protecting and promoting the creation in Catalan. “In the sphere of literature, cinema, theater or any creative manifestation, the Ministry of Culture desires to commit itself to the safety of what for us is likely one of the Most worthy cultural treasures of the State, the linguistic and cultural variety of Spain. “.

In addition, the minister has confirmed the commitment to execute the new museographic project of the Archaeological Museum of Tarragonafor three million euros, throughout 2024. He has also mentioned the possibility of supporting initiatives such as Catalunya Media City, in order to promote the audiovisual industry in Catalonia and in Spain, in which the Government of Spain already has made a first financial contribution and in which, according to Urtasun, “we’ll proceed to be concerned.”
