‘Waste of time!’ Tory politicians snub investigation into affect of Brexit in London | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Tory politicians have snubbed an investigation into the affect of Brexit on London’s economic system. Neil Garratt and Andrew Boff have been as a result of be amongst London Assembly members on the Economy Committee participating within the probe at present however pulled out of the session.

It comes as London Mayor Sadiq Khan hit out at Brexit in a serious speech this night. Mr Garratt, City Hall Conservatives chief, mentioned: “The Economy Committee’s investigation into Brexit symbolises every thing that’s mistaken with Sadiq Khan and Labour in London.

“On a week when the trade unions threatened to bring London’s economy to its knees with Tube strikes and the 1,000th murder since Sadiq Khan became Mayor, Labour chooses to re-visit Brexit.

“This is typical Sadiq Khan and typical Labour. They won’t focus on the issues that matter to Londoners.

“Labour in City Hall are spending time on nationwide international coverage they do not management, whereas ignoring the actual issues in London which can be the Mayor’s precise job: crime, transport, housing.

“City Hall Conservatives gained’t attend this Committee investigation. It is senseless to revisit Brexit. We must look ahead not again. We assume this can be a waste of time and a distraction.

“Mayor Khan started this week encouraging unions to threaten Londoners with even more strikes, what is he doing about that?”

The committee met this afternoon to grill teachers from the schools of Oxford, Cambridge and Warwick, in addition to enterprise consultants, concerning the affect of the UK’s departure from the EU on London’s economic system.

The boycott by Mr Garratt and Mr Boff left three Labour London Assembly members, one Lib Dem and one Green on the committee.

Marina Ahmad, the committee’s Labour chair, mentioned: “It is typical that the Conservatives don’t want to focus on the real challenges facing Londoners.

“The common Londoner was £3,400 worse off final 12 months due to Brexit, which has price the nation £140 billion as a complete. To counsel wanting on the affect of Brexit on London’s economic system is a waste of time reveals how hopeless the Conservatives’ understanding of our economic system is.

“These are very real financial impacts being felt by London’s businesses as well as citizens, but instead of taking part in this discussion with independent experts, the Conservatives have gone on strike.

“They would possibly need to bury their heads within the sand and fake Brexit is an issue of the previous, however this does a disservice to the Londoners affected.”

It comes as Mr Khan claimed Brexit was “dragging down” the capital’s economy in a speech to the London Government Dinner at Mansion House this evening.

But Tory London mayoral candidate Susan Hall said: “Sadiq Khan all the time finally ends up banging on about Brexit when he will get into hassle.

“1,000 people have been murdered on London’s streets while he has been failing to lead the police, and his unfair ULEZ expansion is ripping off families, small businesses and charities. Londoners deserve so much better and they can vote for it on 2 May.”
