Yemen, US and UK raid in opposition to Houthis | EUROtoday

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The United States has launched raids in opposition to Houthi targets in Yemen. According to CNN, fighter jets had been used and Tomahawk missiles had been launched. The BBC studies that the British armed forces are additionally taking part within the operations

American Typhoon in motion through the raid on navy targets in Yemen
  • Middle East: Saudi Arabia requires moderation and avoidance of escalation

    Saudi Arabia, which expresses its “great concern over the raids” carried out through the evening, requires “moderation” and to “avoid an escalation” after the assaults by the United States and the Kingdom in Yemen within the areas managed by the Houthi rebels. This is what we learn in a word from the Foreign Ministry of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh underlines “the importance of maintaining security and stability in the Red Sea region, as freedom of navigation is an international demand”.

  • Houthis: «Unjustified assaults in opposition to Yemen, ships linked to Israel stay within the crosshairs»

    “There is no justification for this aggression against Yemen as there were no threats to international shipping through the Red Sea. The target were and will remain ships linked to Israel and those going to the ports of occupied Palestine.” This was stated by a Houthi spokesman, Mohamed Abdel Salam, in a post on ‘X’ after the attacks by the US and UK armed forces.

  • US and UK raid against Houthis in Yemen. Biden: «Response to attacks against ships in the Red Sea»

    The United States has launched raids against Houthi targets in Yemen. According to CNN, fighter jets were used and Tomahawk missiles were launched. The BBC reports that the British armed forces are also participating in the operations. The raids particularly targeted the capital Sana’a and the Red Sea port of Hodeida. In the initial phase of the attacks, at least 4 explosions occurred in the capital and 5 in the port city. The raids hit around ten targets: radar systems, areas used for launching drones, depots and missile launch areas. As part of the operation, the USA launched missiles from planes, ships and a submarine, the USS Florida according to information released by CNN, which also referred to the support offered by ‘many other nations’. The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said in a statement that the raids are “a direct response to the unprecedented attacks that the Houthis have conducted against ships in the Red Sea. These attacks have put US personnel, civilians on board ships, and our partners in danger.” The assaults “put trade at risk and threatened freedom of navigation. These targeted attacks send a clear message, the United States and partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to endanger freedom of navigation along the world’s most critical trade routes.” The US, added the president, “is not going to hesitate” to take additional measures if obligatory.