CIS: 44% of males and 32% of girls affirm that “men are now being discriminated against” | EUROtoday

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The push in the direction of girls has ended up discriminating towards males. 44% of males and 32% of girls take into account it this manner. They are those that signal earlier than the Sociological Research Center (CIS) the assertion that “so far has been achieved in promoting equality of women that men are now being discriminated against.

The data comes from the first CIS barometer about “Perceptions about equality between women and men and gender stereotypes“, whose 4,005 interviews reveal that 67% of women believe that the differences between both sexes are “very massive or fairly massive.” Among men, only 48%.

Both sexes, however, believe that the differences are smaller today than they were a decade ago. Even so, almost a quarter of those interviewed (22%) maintain that things are the same as then.

To achieve the equality, the vast majority of women (82%) consider it necessary for men to “battle” for them as well. Among men the idea is also majority, although not as much (74%) among men who also think about it.

According to the Laboral lifethe difference of opinions is once again “notable”, says the CIS, between both groups. For 68% of women, girls are in a “worse” situation to access a position of responsibility, something that 51% of men agree with. Another 40% assure that the opportunities are the same.

Three-quarters of women (78%) and half of men (52%) agree with the statement “Women must work tougher than males to show they will do the identical job.” One in 10 women claims to have witnessed discrimination based on sex at workalmost double that of men (5.4%).

At the time of reconcile work and family life72% of women say that they have it worse, and 58% of men say that women are disadvantaged when it comes to combining both activities.

The lack of equality is revealed, among other data, in the fact that on a working day women dedicate more time to homework (cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.) than men. They spent almost three hours and they spent two. When asking about childcare, the difference extends: 6.7 hours for women and 3.7 hours for men. Where time is very similar is the care of dependents.


The barometer has also made inquiries about sexuality. And from them it is extracted that for 66% of the population, see pornography It is more typical of men than women. And the same goes for paying to maintain sexual relations: 85% of those surveyed see it as more men.

On the other hand, 55% of those surveyed indicate that talking openly about feelings It is more typical of women. There is a coincidence of opinions about taking the initiative in a sexual relationship, 71% of Spaniards believe that it corresponds to both sexes equally.

He CIS explains that half of men (49%) have heard sexist comments from friends or family, almost the same as women (46%). And among them, 14% have witnessed a man sexually harassing a woman, something that 8% of men have also seen.