One Israeli killed and 18 injured in a Palestinian assault in central Israel | EUROtoday

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an israelfrom 79 to, ha useless y 18 others residents have turned out woundedamongst them 5 in severe situationin a simultaneous assault that passed off this Monday within the metropolis of London in it central Israel. The Israeli police have two Palestinian suspects arrested of deliberately working over and stabbing pedestrians, together with faculty college students.

The assault has damaged the same old calm of this metropolis positioned 14 kilometers north of Tel Aviv rising concern, already excessive, all through the nation following the armed infiltration of the Islamist group Hamas within the south on October 7, which unleashed the Israeli navy response and an unprecedented battle within the Gaza Strip.

Hamas has praised‘Operation Raanana’ carried out by the heroes of our firm Palestinian people”, and has requested “the young revolutionaries to intensify the fight”.

The terrorists, with each legal and safety data in Israel, the place they didn’t have permission to enter and work, three automobiles have been stolen for perform your assault earlier than being detained in numerous areas in Raanana, in response to police sources.

Two drivers stabbed

One of the attackers stabbed a driver to take his automobile whereas the opposite did the identical about 500 meters away. The onslaught hit, amongst others, to a bunch of individuals at a bus cease on the busy and central road of Ahuza. More than one hour laterhave been detained ending a flight that brought about quite a few safety personnel to be despatched to the town.

“This is a serious terrorist attack in which two attackers who worked in the industrial zone in this area stole two cars and carried out several intentional attacks in three areas,” mentioned the police officer of the central district, Avi Biton. “In the first minutes we detained the first terrorist and then we found and arrested the second. We do not rule out that there is another“, let him go.

The deadly sufferer was a resident of Raanana. As is former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who arrived on the scene of the assault to talk with the police and inform the media: “The terrorist attack reminds us that the enemy wants to harm us indiscriminately and anywhere, whether in Kibbutz Beeri in the south, in the city of Shlomit in the north (near the border with Lebanon), in Ophrah in Judea and Samaria (settlement in the West Bank) and here in Raanana. “The terrorists should know that we’re not going anyplace and that eventually we are going to get to them.”

The two detainees Mohamed Zaidat (44) y Ahmed Zaidat (24), belong to the same family from Bani Naim in the West Bank area of ​​Hebron. The attack comes precisely when the Israeli Government must decide whether to massively renew the work permits of more than 100,000 Palestinians in the West Bank, which were suspended after the Hamas attack in southern Israel.

The US and Israeli security agencies, supported by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, recommend doing so urgently to prevent the economic factor from accelerating the deterioration in the West Bank, where raids, incursions and attacks have increased since the start of the war. in Gaza.

On the other hand, many ministers from the most right-wing coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu are opposed. They reply that precisely the 7-0, in which 1,200 people were murdered by Hamas, and another 240 were kidnapped, reinforces their position of denying their entry and they consider that it increases the possibilities of attacks.

They come from near Hebron

The two attackers this Monday came from an area, around Hebron, with lots of support for Hamas. which also has there infrastructure. “This is a pure response to the massacres and aggressions in opposition to the Palestinian individuals within the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. We name on the revolutionary youth to accentuate the wrestle,” the Hamas statement said.

His number two and key figure in planning attacks in and from the West Bank against Israelis, Saleh Arouri, died in an Israeli drone attack two weeks ago in Beirut.

This Monday’s attack occurred on day number 101 of the war between Israel and Hamas, which has caused a huge humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health controlled by the Islamist group, the Israeli attacks have caused more than 24,000 dead.

After the withdrawal of thousands of soldiers from the north of the Palestinian enclave, including the 36th Golani Brigade in a new phase of the offensive, airstrikes and fighting are basically focused on the southern area of ​​​​Khan Younis where the leader of Hamas, Yahia Sinwar and the rest of the elite. According to various estimates, the Israeli Army controls 60% of the territory in the Gaza Strip.

In his messages, the spokesman for the armed wing of Hamas, Abu Obeida, assures that “the occupation is not going to obtain its targets” and requires extra assaults from different fronts, resembling in Jerusalem, the West Bank or in central Israel, as occurred this time. Monday in Raanana.