The actor Viggo Mortensen joins the marketing campaign in protection of the Galician language of a Corus institute | EUROtoday

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The actor Viggo Mortensen has joined the marketing campaign ‘That’s additionally what’s stated’ launched by the IES Rafael Dieste of A Corua to advertise the Galician language.

In the ‘Instagram’ profile of the marketing campaign you’ll be able to see a video during which the actor defends to languages ​​as “the treasure of the people”. “That’s why hoxe, in Galicia, where it is, also a Galician phallus” –that’s why at the moment, in Galicia, the place it’s, I additionally communicate Galician,” he highlights.

‘Aqu tamn se fala’ is a linguistic revitalization campaign that began at the Ies Rafael Dieste in the city of A Corua and that has spread through educational centers of the entire community.