The Pope: demonstrations towards Jews a sin towards God | EUROtoday

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Il Papa returns to sentence anti-Semitism. In a letter “to the Jewish brothers and sisters of Israel” he underlines: “The path that Church started with you, the ancient people of the Covenant, rejects every form of anti-Judaism and antisemitism, unequivocally condemning manifestations of hatred towards Jews and Judaism as a sin against God.” The letter – writes the Osservatore Romano – was sent by the Pope to the theologian Karma Ben Johananamong the promoters of an appeal to the Pontiff signed by around 400 rabbis and scholars for the consolidation of Jewish-Christian friendship after the tragedy of 7 October.

Concerned about attacks on Jews, I pray for the return of hostages

“Together with you – the Pope writes to the Jews of Israel – we Catholics are very concerned about the terrible increase in attacks against Jews throughout the world. We had hoped that 'never again' would be a refrain heard by the new generations, yet now we see that the path forward requires ever closer collaboration to eradicate these phenomena.”

The Pope then addresses a message to the hostages still held by Hamas: “In a special way, we pray for the return of the hostages, rejoicing for those who have already returned home, and praying that all the others will soon join them”. “I would also like to add – we read again in the Pope's letter – that we must never lose hope for a possible peace and that we must do everything to promote it, rejecting every form of defeatism and mistrust. We must look to God, the only source of certain hope.”

Jews and Catholics, we must commit ourselves to a path of friendship

“Both, Jews and Catholics, we must commit ourselves to this path of friendship, solidarity and cooperation in seeking ways to repair a destroyed world, working together in every part of the world, and especially in the Holy Land, to recover the ability to see in the face of every person the image of God, in which we were created”, concludes the Pontiff.

Pain from the ongoing war

“My heart is close to you, to the Holy Land, to all the peoples who inhabit it, Israelis and Palestinians, and I pray that the desire for peace prevails over all. I want you to know that you are close to my heart and to the heart of the Church”, writes the Pope in the letter “to the Jewish brothers and sisters of Israel”. Pope francesco renews “apprehension and pain” for the ongoing war and underlines – writes the Osservatore Romano – how it has “produced divisive attitudes in public opinion worldwide, which sometimes lead to forms of anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism”. “I can only reiterate” that “the relationship that binds us to you is particular and singular, without ever obscuring, naturally, the relationship that the Church has with others, and the commitment towards them too”. “I feel the desire to assure you of my closeness and affection. I embrace each of you, and in particular those who are consumed by anguish, pain, fear and even anger” writes the Pontiff, adding: “Together with you we mourn the dead, the wounded, the traumatized, begging God the Father to intervene and put an end to war and hatred.”