Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, the son of the final king of Italy, has died | EUROtoday

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LThe information was confirmed with the prince's lawyer. Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, son of the final king of Italy, died this Saturday, February 3 in Geneva, Switzerland, on the age of 86.

“His royal highness, Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy and Prince of Naples, died peacefully in Geneva surrounded by his family,” signifies a short press launch from the royal home of Savoy cited by the Italian media, specifying that the place and The date of the funeral will likely be introduced later.

Victor-Emmanuel leaves behind his spouse, Princess Marina, a son, Prince Emmanuel-Philibert, in addition to two granddaughters, Princesses Vittoria and Luisa.

A lifetime of exile

Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, born February 12, 1937 in Naples, was the top of the House of Savoy who dominated unified Italy from 1861 to 1946 and the son of the final king, Umberto II, who solely occupied the throne from May to June 1946.

READ ALSO Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy: the prince to assistance from ItalyHe left Italy on the age of 9, banished with all male descendants of the royal home by the Constitution of 1946 to sanction the collaboration of his grandfather, Victor Emmanuel III, with the fascist regime and the signing racial legal guidelines.

He was solely capable of return to the peninsula in December 2002, after the lifting of the exile voted by the Italian Parliament. To get hold of it, he needed to swear loyalty to the Republic, a gesture he refused for a very long time.