Humza Yousaf skewered over Scottish independence after contemporary Brexit swipe | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Humza Yousaf has been skewered over Scottish independence after he made a contemporary swipe at Brexit.

The Scottish First Minister hit out on the UK’s departure from the EU after former Scottish Labour chief Kezia Dugdale revealed she voted for the SNP in anger on the transfer.

Mr Yousaf mentioned: “Kezia won’t be the only one. There continues to be a cosy Westminster consensus on Brexit.

“Despite the devastating injury it’s doing to our financial system and society, no UK-based get together is prepared to oppose it.

“With independence, we can rejoin the EU as a member state in our own right.”

But Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr questioned Mr Yousaf’s argument that Scotland breaking away from the UK would work higher than Brexit.

Mr Kerr mentioned: “I look forward to hearing why independence works for Scotland but Brexit didn’t work for the UK.

“As certainly one of your personal advisers mentioned, Indy is ‘Brexit instances 10’- leaving a far nearer union, tougher border points, extra commerce, a monetary deficit reasonably than a surplus…”

It comes after Ms Duddale admitted voted for the SNP at the European Parliament election in 2019 as she was “so mad about Brexit”.

She told a BBC documentary: “I voted SNP as soon as in my life and that was within the European Union elections instantly after Brexit, the place I used to be so mad about Brexit.

“I felt I could vote for the SNP in that European Union election, because that in no way could be construed as a vote for independence.”

She added: “I voted Labour in every election since then.”