Together he insists on immigration and crime in a survey organized by the previous vice chairman of the Government Jordi Puigner in Sant Cugat del Valls | EUROtoday

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The immigration, just like the drought, will probably be one of many nice thematic axes of the final 12 months of the legislature in Catalonia. The speech of collectively on this matter in current months, leaning in the direction of harsher postulates, has opened a debate whose epicenter has now moved to Sant Cugat del Valls (Barcelona), a very powerful metropolis of these run by the neoconvergentes.

A municipal survey by phone, with questions in regards to the international inhabitants and crime, has put the left-wing events of the City Council on a struggle footing and has cracked the federal government coalition that Junts types with Republican Left since final June.

Can a excessive immigration price pressure public companies or put Catalan traditions and the Catalan language in danger? San Cugat Does it need to welcome immigration to the utmost of its potentialities? o Immigrants who commit crimes have to be returned to their fatherland. repeat offender?. These are a few of the questions that the neighbors have answered, anonymously, in current days in an effort to put together the report of the Municipal Sociological Observatory from this to.

He PSCthe CUP y In How We Can They have identified the deputy mayor Jordi Puignerformer counselor of the Generalitat and former vice chairman between May 2021 and September 2022, when he was dismissed by Pere Aragons a number of days earlier than Junts left the Government led by ERC. As the individual in control of the barometer, Puigner is accused of “having promoted xenophobic messages” and that he has taken a primary step to legitimize future racist insurance policies in Sant Cugat.

Criticism of the top of the municipal space of ​​Institutional Relations, Good Government and Digital City has additionally come from the minority associate of the Sancugatense Executive. Esquerra was not conscious of the modifications within the survey's focus in comparison with earlier years and has distanced itself from the inclusion of questions that result in linking immigration with concern, delinquency and recidivism, stigmatize migrants and reply to the political agenda of a celebration, not that of the town authorities.

Puigner acknowledges that he had not knowledgeable ERC of the content material of the survey and alleges that, besides within the final time period, wherein the City Council was ruled by a tripartite of ERC, PSC and the CUP, he had already requested about immigration. in different phases. Republicans emphasize that linking crime and origin is biased and a critical error that feeds the discourse of the excessive proper and so they describe it as nice disloyalty on the a part of the deputy mayor to have appropriated a political software to ask residents about points associated to his agenda.

It so occurs that Puigner's disloyalty is similar one which Aragons attributed to his vice chairman in 2022 to dismiss him. The president of the Generalitat justified his choice by the lack of confidence within the variety of of the Cabinet, which had not knowledgeable him in regards to the request that he undergo a query of confidence if he didn’t supply ensures of complying with the investiture agreements that the chief of Junts within the Parliament, Albert Batet, launched in the course of the General Policy Debate. The dismissal of Puigner precipitated the breakdown of the coalition between each events, battered for a very long time and eventually licensed by the militants. neoconvergentes by means of a session.

'Convergent' fiefdom

Sant Cugat, con greater than 97,000 inhabitants and a excessive stage of earnings, it’s the solely municipality within the metropolitan space of ​​Barcelona within the palms of Junts, which recovered this sq. after the left-wing tripartite took away in 2019 the rod of command that it had retained. CiU since 1987.

Amid hypothesis that the far-right independence celebration Aliana Catalanled by the mayoress of Ripoll (Girona), Silvia Orriolswill run within the subsequent regional elections, the Sant Cugat chapter provides to the controversy unleashed in December within the coastal municipality of Calella (Barcelona), the place its mayor, Mark Booktogether with a number of councilors neoconvergentes of the Maresme area, demanded the expulsion of these immigrants in an irregular scenario who’ve dedicated crimes repeatedly. A place that the overall secretary of Junts, Jordi Turullhas endorsed on multiple event since then.

In this context, the neoconvergenteswhich this 12 months will manage a conference to determine a programmatic line on migration, began lower than a month in the past the dedication of the Government of Pedro Sanchez to switch powers in immigration coverage to the Generalitat by means of an natural legislation empowered by the article 150.2 of the Constitution. This was the route used, in 1998, to switch state visitors powers to the Mossos d'Esquadra by the Executive of the PP chaired by José Mara Aznar.

Catalonia will need to have a State coverage on immigration, whether or not you prefer it or not, Turull declared a number of days later in a nationwide council of Junts defending his celebration's settlement with the PSOE to the delegation of migratory powers.