a tribute from Emmanuel Macron, an issue with LFI | EUROtoday

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Then-Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna at the Shura military base near Ramla in Israel's Central District on December 17, 2023.

Four months to the day after the terrorist assault carried out on October 7, 2023 by Hamas in Israel, Emmanuel Macron pays a nationwide tribute to the French victims on Wednesday February 7. The ceremony will happen at Les Invalides, the place every of the “forty-two deceased fellow citizens » will be represented by a photograph with his name, most of the victims having been buried in Israel. She will “placed under the universal sign of the fight against anti-Semitism and through it (…) all forms of hatred, racism and oppression against minorities”, specifies the Elysée. The occasion, to which the previous presidents of the Republic have been invited, may even concern the 4 freed French Hamas hostages and 6 injured French folks. Israeli President Isaac Herzog, visitor, is not going to be current for “agenda reasons”however can be represented by the Israeli embassy in Paris.

Also learn the story: Article reserved for our subscribers Hamas assault: a glance again at October 7, a day in hell in Israel

This tribute from the nation to “Jewish French citizens” was initially alleged to happen as soon as all of the hostages have been freed. The Elysée explains that it has no info to offer in regards to the latter, specifically ” in [matière] proof of life ».

Wednesday's ceremony, which will be placed under very high security, however finds itself at the heart of a political controversy. After the attacks of October 7, 2023, which led to the death of more than 1,160 people, the majority civilians, La France insoumise (LFI) refused to qualify Hamas as a “terrorist” group. The LFI deputy from Paris Danièle Obono even saw in Hamas a “resistance movement”.

LFI parliamentarians will be present

Also, in a letter addressed Tuesday to the Head of State, several families from the No Silence collective requested that LFI elected officials not be present at the ceremony at Les Invalides. “Between indecency, lack of respect, relativism and negationism, La France insoumise and its spokespersons have distinguished themselves by extremely serious comments since the pogrom of October 7”, they accuse in their letter. The collective of families criticizes Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party for “bear a very heavy responsibility for the explosion of Judeophobia” in the country.

The Elysée responded on Monday that will probably be a “republican ceremony” to which, in keeping with the protocol in drive since 1989, parliamentarians are invited. “It’s up to everyone to assess the appropriateness or not of their presence, since the families have spoken and expressed strong emotion”, dismissed an advisor to the top of state. Mr. Macron, who had been criticized within the Jewish neighborhood for his refusal to take part within the nice march towards anti-Semitism on November 12, 2023, will ship “a very clear speech”, Who “perhaps will make you think and meditate” the LFI parliamentarians, added the identical advisor.

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