Archbishop Welby savaged for ‘scamming’ taxpayers over Christian conversions | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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A livid Tory MP accused the Archbishop of Canterbury of doubtless scamming taxpayers, after an official Church of England doc revealed the extent to which the establishment is supporting asylum seekers.

Tory MP Tim Loughton used PMQs to lift the scandal, stating that the Archbishop has admitted church attendance has fallen by 15 p.c since he took up the function.

He mentioned: “Christianity in the UK seems to be on the wain, unless apparently you are from a Muslim country in the middle of an asylum claim!”

“We are now told that one in seven occupants of the Bibby Stockholm have suddenly become practising Christians.

“Can I ask the Prime Minister, given the Church of England has now issued secret steerage for clergy supporting asylum purposes for these Damascene conversions, who’s the Church accountable to?”

He boldly concluded: “Are taxpayers being scammed by the Archbishop?”

The Prime Minister revealed that the Home Secretary has already asked for more information about the extent to which migrants converting to Christianity is playing a role in our asylum system.

Mr Sunak added that under the Government’s new legislation, anyone arriving in the UK illegally will not be granted asylum here.

He blasted Labour for blocking these new measures at every stage in Parliament, saying: “They do not have a plan, and so they will not maintain Britain secure!”

Mr Loughton’s question came after the Express revealed the official Church of England document earlier this week, providing advice to clergy on how to mount “private campaigns” in the event of an asylum application being requested.

The guidance, which sparked widespread fury among Tory MPs and Nigel Farage, also took swipes at the “political narrative about British identification, rights and values” in addition to the “anti-immigration rhetoric… particularly evident in the run-up to the EU referendum” .

Responding to the revelation, Nigel Farage mentioned the Church of England ought to “reflect on their name and purpose”.

“The left-wing Archbishop is bad enough, but these revelations show a stunning naivety. The document seems to suggest that British identity, rights and values are a bad thing. They are exactly what the church should be endorsing.”

The Church of England’s function in spiritual conversions of asylum seekers was sparked after the suspect of the Clapham Alkali assault was revealed to have transformed to Christianity in an effort to keep away from deportation again to Afghanistan.