Milei suffers a tough blow: the 'omnibus regulation' accredited final week returns to the start of the method | EUROtoday

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Of the Wailing Wall within the afternoon, to the fury on social networks within the early morning: Javier Miley obtained this Tuesday in Israel the information that the 'omnibus regulation' accredited final week within the Chamber of Deputies was floor down by the opposition and gave the order to withdraw your entire venture. Immediately afterwards, she accused a superb a part of the opposition of being “traitors.”

“The complicated was against the change that the Argentines we vote at the polls“Milei wrote within the early morning in Israel. “We know that it is not going to be easy to change a system where politicians became rich at the expense of Argentines who get up every day to work. “Our authorities program was voted for by 56 % of Argentines and we’re not prepared to barter it with those that destroyed the nation.”

The law, which had been approved by 144 votes to 109 Last Thursday, he entered the debate on the particular article this Tuesday. In that process, part of the dialogue opposition that had supported the law in general raised objections in various articles to chain a series of defeats in aspects that Milei considered non-negotiable. This led them to coincide with the 99 Kirchner deputies, who voted against the law in its entirety.

Aware of what was happening in Parliament, Milei ordered Israel to withdraw the project, which returns to debate in the committees, which is equivalent to starting from scratch. He then targeted the parliamentary opposition and especially the majority of the country's 24 governors.

“The authorities is just not going to permit governors to extort the folks to keep up their privileges,” he said. Freedom Advances (LLA), Milei's party, on social networks. “Now they’re going to see what an actual adjustment is,” threatened Agustín Romo, a Milesta deputy.

The lavish “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines“, presented in December and originally consisting of 664 articles spread over 351 pages, had already been reduced by approximately a third, although it continued to be an important instrument of deregulation and liberalization of the Argentine economy.

“There are sectors of politics that resist making the modifications that the nation wants. They are going to have to clarify to society why,” added Milei, who has only 38 deputies out of a total of 257 and seven senators out of 72. .

Oscar Zago, spokesperson for Milei's libertarian bloc in Deputies, assured that the deputies of the social democrats Radical Civic Union (UCR) and others from non-Kirchnerist pan-Peronism, who had guaranteed their support this morning, betrayed the agreement. The opposition does not coincide.

“This is monstrous incompetence,” criticized Senator Luiz Juez, a member of the PRO, of the former president. Mauricio Macriwho supported Milei in the successive votes this Tuesday in the Chamber of Deputies.

“The president should be in Argentina in the present day, he may have time to go to the Wailing Wall, to greet the Pope!” added Judge in reference to Milei's three-day tour of Israel, which will continue in the Vatican with a visit to Pope Francis to attend the canonization of an Argentine saint, Mama Antula.

“I repeat: if this fails, the Kirchnerism. This is unhealthy and it's going to worsen. Things should not resolved with slaps. Milei can write a handbook on how she governs herself with out anybody figuring out you. But she doesn’t govern herself with bombastic phrases, attacking everybody who needs to offer you a hand,” Judge insisted.

The senator, known for his humor and acidity, asked that the president stop living on social networks and writing on his cell phone.

“Take Milei's mobile phone (cellular) for God's sake. Let her maintain it within the drawer for 15 days. March is coming, courses are coming, costs have skyrocketed. Milei goes to the Wailing Wall, however the Wailing Wall Regrets is the grocery store.”

Germn Martínez, spokesperson for the Kirchnerist blocwas very critical of the “all or nothing” strategy of the Milei government: “What they should do is cease the ball, see that it can’t work that means and see the errors they made.”

In the midst of the confusion and fury of the libertarians, the idea of ​​a plebiscite to circumvent the limits of Parliament once again gained strength. The Argentine Constitution does not contemplate this system, although the Milei government remembers the “non-binding standard session” called and overwhelmingly won by Ral Alfonsín to gain support for his boundary and peace agreement with Chile.

“If there’s somebody who is obvious concerning the course, it’s President Milei,” said the president's spokesman. Manuel Adorni. “It doesn't matter right here what the governors do, what they do in Congress. We are going to get out of this decadence with all of the instruments that the National Constitution provides us.”