Extremism: Demonstration towards racism and right-wing agitation in Ottensen | EUROtoday

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Significantly extra individuals than anticipated took to the streets in Hamburg-Ottensen on Friday towards racism and right-wing agitation. Observers estimate the variety of individuals to be nicely over 1,000 Demonstration below the motto “Ottensen remains colorful – all together against fascism!” 500 individuals. The police didn’t need to touch upon the variety of individuals till after the rally had ended.

The particular purpose for the demonstration, which the Left had referred to as for, amongst others, was an incident that turned recognized on Monday wherein, in accordance with the police, notes with racist and offensive slogans have been caught to the entrance door of a black household in Ottensen, which additionally made references to the AfD as a spokesman stated. Garbage was additionally dumped in entrance of the condominium door and one of many household's strollers was set on hearth.

The demonstrators gathered within the afternoon on Ottenser Hauptstrasse in entrance of Altona practice station. Slogans equivalent to “Fascism is not an opinion, but a crime” and “All people are equal” might be learn on posters. Speakers identified that racist assaults weren’t remoted circumstances and had elevated considerably. They additionally blamed the AfD for fueling such sentiments with exclusionary rhetoric. AfD positions shouldn’t be adopted by democratic events, it was stated. The crowd chanted “We are more!”

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