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“Do not mistreat us or treat us like terrorists,” they ask on the Valencia rally

100 individuals have gathered in entrance of the Government delegation within the Valencian Community in Valencia, with the doorways closed and a discreet police cordon. In a protest, its spokesperson, Lola Guzmán, a member of the 6F platform, assures that she has are available peace and with a request to the Ministry of the Interior: “Don't mistreat my people, because the day before yesterday in Antequera they sent us some riot police like if we were terrorists. We are rural people and every day we wake up with a new law, which suffocates us. They tell us how many meters we can cultivate and they are privatizing the water. At what price are they going to give it to us?” the lady complains.

Gúzman, with agricultural operations in Asturias, in his phrases, has criticized the remedy that the Interior is giving them. “We don't want to cause any problems to anyone. We are not represented by any political party and we do not agree with any agricultural union, we are civil people, free people. I just want the delegate to receive us and give her the farmers' injury reports,” he insisted.

A number of meters away is Ricardo Sánchez, a 43-year-old farmer and winegrower from Requena. He has been holding protest cuts since Tuesday on this area within the inside of the province of Valencia to provide visibility to the issues within the countryside. “We want them to recognize that we are the main link in the food chain, we cannot work at a loss. Production costs are higher than what we are paid for our productions. Especially the last year.” He requires a shock plan towards drought and complains in regards to the calls for of the 2030 Agenda (the plan with the UN sustainable growth objectives) and the unfair competitors from productions from third international locations. “We are not opposed but, of course, they must meet the same requirements as us,” he claims in reference to the traceability of the merchandise or using pesticides. This winegrower has came upon in regards to the protest by social media and has come due to the sensation of being fed up. “We have no visible head. About 50 of us from Utiel and Requena came and we decided this morning,” he concluded.