Feijóo qualifies the nationwide focus of the Galician marketing campaign: “Galicia is much more than Sánchez. These elections are about our people” | Spain | EUROtoday

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At the midpoint of the electoral marketing campaign for the Galician Parliament elections, the chief of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, opted this Friday to focus his speech on Galician points as a substitute of prioritizing nationwide points. “Galicia is much more than Sánchez. “These elections are about our people,” he stated at a rally in Lalín (Pontevedra). Also in Pontevedra, the PSOE candidate, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, has been accompanied by the PSC secretary, Salvador Illa, and has referred to as for the mobilization of the vote, the problem that the socialists face in opposition to the BNG, which is forward of the socialists in all of the polls. “We are going to add support, we are like that, we demonstrated it in the 23-J elections,” Besteiro insisted. The identical day has seen how the chief of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, separates from the socialists and the Galician nationalists with the identical objective: that folks go to the polls on February 18, “When the BNG voted against “the labor reform was not fascinated about Galicia,” he said to mark his own profile against the nationalist candidate, Ana Pontón, who this Friday received the support of Xosé Manuel Beiras for the presidency of the Xunta and has criticized the current president, of the PP, “Rueda is not a democrat and he is a coward.”

In his commitment to focus his speech on the Galician area that he knows well, Feijóo has almost completely avoided references to the President of the Government, whom he has mentioned in passing to insist that, although “he deserves a democratic lesson.” The elections of February 18 are about something else, the popular leader has stated, the future of Galicia. The former regional president has attacked the BNG, his main rival, and has dedicated a large part of his speech to the problems of the countryside, agreeing with farmers and ranchers in their demands. And the popular people fear that Vox will take flight in the heat of these protests and increase its support in the elections, with a percentage of the vote that, although it does not allow them to obtain representation, does harm the PP. Feijóo has also made reference to Carles Puigdemont, without expressly citing him, betting that the former Catalan president and leader of Junts, who has threatened the PP with pulling the rug from their past conversations, serves time for the events of process. “A man who, no matter how much he is from richer communities than ours, if he has any pending matter with the justice system, he has to pay for it.”

The leader of the Catalan socialists, Salvador Illa, has shared the entire day with José Ramón Gómez Besteiro on a day marked by the landing of PSOE ministers in Galicia. “The change is unstoppable in Galicia and it is called Besteiro! I have traveled a thousand kilometers, very happy to come to Galicia. This is the plural and diverse Spain that I want to strengthen here with my presence. This is Spain, it is brotherhood, with the ties that unite us, proud of the diversity, of the different languages,” he claimed at an event at the Pontevedra nautical center before about 200 people. The first secretary of the PSC has not made any mention of the amnesty law, which is causing great wear and tear on the PSOE. “They are obsessed with the amnesty in Madrid, I support it and I believe that coexistence will improve,” Besteiro has referred to it, and has stressed that Galicians are more concerned about their daily problems, such as pensions, versus whose revaluation the PP voted against in January. “I can understand that in matters like the amnesty there are people who think differently. But I have not found anyone in favor of denying the revaluation to Galician pensioners,” he stressed.

The mobilization of its voters is the challenge that the PSOE faces in a campaign in which the BNG is ahead of the socialists according to all the polls. “We are going to add support, we are like that, we demonstrated it in the 23-J elections. We are a solvent and safe change,” Besteiro insisted.

In Vigo, Yolanda Díaz has asked for the vote for Sumar and to be able to defend in the Galician Government those who “need it most” as is happening, she said, in the national Executive. The vice president of the Government has supported Marta Lois, candidate for the Xunta, and has advocated for a progressive coalition government in the regional Executive with its present formation. “We are going to walk together, as I do with Pedro Sánchez, but we are different and we have to have enough strength so that the people who need it most can be defended in the Xunta,” she indicated in Vigo before dozens of people. Díaz has said that, “unlike the PSOE,” Sumar does not believe that “taxes should be lowered on large electricity companies” that are “getting rich” and must pay more. She has also recalled that “when the BNG voted against the labor reform it was not thinking about Galicia.” She has asked the electorate to mobilize and vote for Sumar and has asked: “Do you think that if we were not in the Government these policies would be made? I know you think not. The policies we are developing are changing the life of our country, improving the economy.”

In a crowded room of a hotel in Santiago, the BNG experienced an act of great symbolic value this afternoon after more than a decade of divisions. The candidate Ana Pontón has participated in a colloquium with the leaders of Anova, Xosé Manuel Beiras and Martiño Noriega, who left the party with a slam of the door 12 years ago. The three have agreed that these elections are historic for Galician nationalism because for the first time the PP is contesting the Presidency of the Xunta. The Galician nationalists see it clearly in the PP attacks. “If anyone has doubts, they should watch TVG,” said Pontón. “They even invent news to attack us. That means that the campaign is going very well.”

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Noriega appreciates an unusual mobilization for change, a “snowball effect.” “This is a country where David often beats Goliath,” he has proclaimed. Beiras believes that the BNG is reaping the fruits of a “gradual mutation” in Galicia that dates back to the eighties, a “constant process of decolonization” that “did not always translate into the vote.” Each ballot, he has warned, “is important” to stop Rueda, who “is not a democrat and is a coward.” Pontón has called not to stay at home on 18-F, comparing the PP campaign “with its financing”: “The campaign in A is that of the TVG, and B is the one in which they want to convince the nonconformists to throw the towel”.

In Ourense, the chief of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has raised his tone tonight in opposition to the chief of the PP, whom he has accused of giving “word of mouth to Pedro Sánchez” when agreeing with the President of the Government on the reform of the Constitution to eradicate the time period “disabled.” Faced with what he has referred to as the “filthy trap of the useful vote”, which the favored ones set to take all of the votes from the best, he has assured that there are two PP: one “in freedom”, which permits itself to be conditioned by the left ; and one other “on probation” or “tutored by Vox”, which applies the measures defended by the ultras in Castilla y León, the Valencian Community or Aragón, the place they govern collectively. Abascal has additionally reproached Feijóo for, with a camp “on a war footing”, accusing Sánchez in Congress this week of “environmental dogmatism”, when the PP voted in favor of the Green Pact within the European Parliament. “How dare you if you have voted the same thing?” brutal to the center class” and a “massive layoff plan.” And, in comparison with those that predict that Vox won’t get any seats, he has expressed his confidence that it might “break out of its shell”, “hatch” on the 18th and have a presence within the Galician Parliament, “even if it is small”, as a result of that, In his opinion, “it will make a difference.”

With data from Elsa García de Blas, José Marcos, Miguel González, Paula Chouza y Maria Fernandez.

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