Limburg-Weilburg: Two males fall from carnival floats: severely injured | EUROtoday

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On the best way to a carnival parade, two males fell from a carnival float in Hünfelden (Limburg-Weilburg district) and have been severely injured. The mixture of tractor and trailer with a picket physique drove from the Dauborn district to the Kirberg district on Saturday afternoon, mentioned the police within the night with. There have been a number of individuals on the trailer. According to the data, the 50-year-old and the 31-year-old fell from an important peak from the physique onto the highway whereas driving.

They tore the construction down with them. A 56-year-old, who was additionally on the automobile, was barely injured by falling elements. The two severely injured individuals have been taken to hospital. Those concerned within the accident obtained psychological help from the native hearth division and emergency pastoral care. During the police operation, the Dauborn city thoroughfare was utterly closed for a number of hours.

There was additionally a tragic accident in Rhineland-Palatinate on Saturday in reference to a carnival parade. A 20-year-old man fell underneath a transferring carnival float in St. Goarshausen close to Koblenz within the late afternoon, after the parade there had already ended, and suffered deadly accidents.

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