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Expansion | Zapatero, on the flip of the PP: “Making hypocrisy the only sign of political identity leads to defeats”

The PSOE has come out towards Alberto Núñez Feijóo's contradictions with the amnesty, after he acknowledged that for twenty-four hours he studied the measure of grace that Junts proposed to him in the summertime, within the conversations previous to his failed investiture. The president of the PP has even questioned whether or not Carles Puigdemont, the chief of Junts, might be convicted of terrorism, in one other 180-degree flip that contradicts the model that the PP has given till now. “Today is an important day for democracy, because the things that have been said and known represent the end of a great infamy that we have experienced these three months carried out by the right and Feijóo's PP, generating tension, attacking the Government, saying “Spain, the Constitution, the rule of law are broken, and it turns out that everything was hypocrisy, a big lie,” José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero attacked at a rally before more than a thousand people in Ferrol. “They were negotiating the amnesty from behind but when they had to support the pensions they did not show their face and voted against, despite the fact that 800,000 Galician pensioners could benefit from its revaluation,” stated José Ramón González Besteiro, the PSdeG candidate within the elections. elections of 18-F.

The former president of the Government has attacked the PP time and again throughout his speech of virtually half an hour. “Feijóo has said that Puigdemont is not a terrorist after everything we have heard. Maybe it's good to give him a pardon if he behaves. And he says they were negotiating the amnesty! Now it turns out that Puigdemont has stopped being a terrorist, a pardon must be given for reconciliation and the amnesty was negotiable… In a few weeks they will propose the beatification of Puigdemont,” he said, causing laughter from the thousand people who attended. to the act. “Now I don't know what will happen, the next demonstration will be Feijóo against Feijóo and the PP against the PP. “It's probable!” he added.

“It has been three months of the history of infamy,” continued Zapatero, who has referred to as the PP hypocritical. “Making hypocrisy the only sign of political identity leads to defeats. And that is what happens to the PP. These months, when they were agitating so much in the streets… This is what they have always done on important issues for Spain. This is what Spain matters to them. When I negotiated with ETA to end ETA, we betrayed Spain, we sold Navarra. The same ones who had negotiated with ETA and had called it the Basque national liberation movement. What historical hypocrisy! “He remarked, alluding to José María Aznar, who as President of the Government he negotiated with the terrorist organization, brought together hundreds of ETA prisoners and thus referred to ETA.

“They are talking about a pardon for Puigdemont if he behaves well. Come on, but when the Government of Pedro Sánchez gave the pardons they said that Spain was breaking up, that it was an attack against the rule of law. In other words, here the pardons given by the PP are wonderful, wonderful, democratic, and those given by the PSOE are unpresentable. This is the right we have. Quite regrettable,” the previous president added, in his second rally of the marketing campaign, through which he may even take part within the final week.

“What life is like, for the truth to emerge you just have to have patience, which the PP never has when it is not in the Government, and that loses it. Patience is a great virtue, which is why I am glad that many Spaniards can calmly reflect that perhaps reconciliation is good, as Feijóo now says. But it has to be done well, with an amnesty,” Zapatero famous. Revulsive of the PSOE on 23-J, the PSOE chief has careworn that “if there were many pardons it would be a general pardon and that is prohibited by the Constitution and that is why an amnesty must be made. That is why we have to have an amnesty, because there are many people involved.”

Zapatero has additionally contextualized the second through which the details about the PP's change of place has emerged. “All that is after Puigdemont's letter on Thursday, through which he stated that 'the whole lot might be recognized.' The PP stated on Friday 'we now have to do injury management, a managed blast'… Well, what’s going to the uncontrolled blast be like when it arrives… There was various turbulence on the aircraft, however the identical ones there might be within the PP. Ayuso is already warming as much as exit on the sphere,” he careworn, ready for the response of the president of the Community of Madrid within the disaster that Feijóo has opened within the PP.